this is the kind of day that I feel that way
that June way
the weather, the air and the smell remind me of all the other Junes
Junes have a way of being so jammed with memories and perfect moments
that I find myself a bit melancholy
they feel like endings
I don’t like endings
even happy ones
it feels like loss
could life just please slow down-not because it is too fast but because I love it so much
I want to savour it
it is in June I realize how far we come
in a year
and all the things we have built into that (school) year
the triumphs, the disappointments, the frustration, the elation, the exhaustion, the learning, the friendships, the hard work
I love the tempo so shrill and stuffed with everything
and the patterns and the routines
and the newness
did you see what we could do?
I don’t want it to end
my house is a place where so much noise and activity and good things happen
and then it is so silent at times
the noise floods in like a tide and out again as quickly
so many shoes at the door
and then none
I can’t figure out if I have done everything I meant to
I hope I loved it completely
while it was high tide
because it is magnificent
can you imagine the mark I would get?
mixing metaphors, mixing verb tenses.
hello poet. this is beautiful.