- It’s a boy!
- Brothers – L’il E and LJ
- My dudes!
- Newborn cuteness
Finally the babe has arrived and it’s a boy!
Our newest addition arrived July 3 just after 1:00 a.m. via emergency c section (yes again!). I gave it a good try, making it to the end (thanks to my doula for keeping me focused), but my body just isn’t made to push babies out that way.
I was hoping to get this post up much sooner and I’ve been writing it over the last several days but my attention continues to be diverted in other directions – kid 1 (L’il E) and baby 2 (LJ). There is so much going on and so much to say, but when will I have the time?
For any soon-to-be second time mommas out there, let me tell you that act two is much easier. The contractions aren’t as painful, the breastfeeding comes back and the fatigue is not nearly as debilitating because you’re already used to being tired all the time anyway. For me what has been the most difficult is making sure that L’il E is still feeling loved and giving him special one-on-one time. Taking care of the babe is just old hat.
I think we’ve been doing a pretty good job so far. L’il E was slow to warm up, but we just let him call the shots and take his time. Within 24 hours of being home with his new baby brother he asked if he could hold him and wanted me to bring him into his bed to read books together. That just melted my heart. Since then it’s almost as if LJ has always been with us and L’il E is loving being a big brother.
A few tips for prepping big brother or sister:
- Talk about the baby in your tummy and refer to it as their baby.
- Take books out from the library about becoming a big bro or sis and read them together.
- Point out babies at the park or on the street.
- Engage in conversation with your child about the baby by asking what sex they think it is, what its name should be etc.
- Buy a present and wrap it up that can be given to your child from the baby when they come visit at the hospital. We bought L’il E a remote control Lightening McQueen car and he loved it.
- Don’t force the relationship. Try to act indifferent about his/her interactions with the baby and offer him/her opportunities to hold the baby or gently pat its head.
These are just some things that have worked for us and so far so good. L’il E is very gentle with his baby brother and I’m hoping this is the beginning of a beautiful brotherly relationship.
Congratulations on your beautiful baby!
Congratulations, Alanna! The whole sibling thing is a huge challenge but also has the most amazing rewards. Kisses to the new babe from us at UrbanMoms!!
congratulations! i hope you’re healing well. you all certainly look very happy! 🙂
Great post! Speaking from experience, I also feel the second c-section is a breeze!
LJ is adorable, Alanna, just love the first pic in this post!! What a doll!
He’s here! Oh, congratulations, mama!! I’m glad all went well, and though the coming days and weeks will have their ups and downs, I’m sure you’ll get right into the swing of things easily… hooray!! And my, what a cutie he is… WOW!!
Congratulations! LJ is just adorable and it sounds like you are adjusting well to life as a family of four!