Starting in September Sunday’s mean one thing and one thing only at our house. Football. Not just any football but Packers football. We love our green and gold in this house.
Let me just tell you that last Sunday held a ridiculous amount of anxiety. Not only were the Pack in a must win situation (thanks a lot Tampa Bay) but we were playing our biggest rivals (stupid Bears). I was pretty much a basket case the entire game.
As nerve wracking as it was, I wouldn’t have traded a minute of it. I’m incredibly thankful that football is something that both my husband and I enjoy and can enjoy together. Sunday morning we all got dressed in our finest green and gold and spent the afternoon snuggled on the couch watching the game.
This Sunday will find us much the same. (Maybe this time the family photo will turn out, trust me, last weeks has been deleted, never to see the light of day again). I can’t wait till my kids are old enough to really understand football and I hope they enjoy it as much as we do. I also can’t wait until they do ridiculously cute things like Ali’s kids.
CHRISTINE. I really feel like you would like football. For real.
All I know about Green Bay is that people wear cheese on their head?
And all I know about football is that Sean’s laptop is open all day for him to check his status for his fantasy football.
Beyond that, quite honestly and unfortunately, my knowledge of football is nil.
We are a Packer family.
and to think that my husband was a DOLPHINS fan when I met him. sheesh.