Twitter, twatter, what’s the fuss?
I had no idea. I mean, really no idea just how out of the loop I really am. Last night, I attended an information session hosted by Jen Maier (friend, Urbanmoms founder, marketing guru, mom extraordinaire – these are just a few of her incarnations!).
During the casual get-together, Jen elaborated on the amazing ways that Facebook and Twitter can help us promote our businesses, blogs, network, and engage with the world.
I’m an avid Facebook user (only because one of our twentysomething babysitters set it up for me a couple of years ago and gave me a detailed tutorial!), primarily for keeping up with the news and photos of friends and family. On my Facebook profile, I share the odd blog post that I think may be interesting to my personal contacts, but that’s where the business starts and ends for with with Facebook.
When Jen went on to demonstrate Twitter and Tweetdeck, along with everything you can do with these tools, I was amazed.
My skewed self-perception is still “I’m down with the kids and technology. I’m hip.” The reality however, is very different: Sitting in my kid/family/baby bubble, I’ve gotten rusty, stale, out-of-date. I’m a stay-at-home mom who’s losing her edge. So much is going on and passing me by so rapidly. Itunes and Facebook have a new format every week and I can barely keep up.
I’d like to stay on top of these trends and become more tech-savvy. I came home last night inspired and invigorated; I downloaded Tweetdeck and I’m trying to figure it all out.
So, tell me, do you tweet? If so, why? How as it helped you personally and professionally? How do you keep up? I’m dying to know.
weclome to twitter.
Its an awesome community. You will love it.
I’m sorry I didnt get a chance to meet you at the event.
Next time.
Hi Amreen
My handle is @marketing4moms. I love twitter but it did take me sometime to see the purpose and benefit. If you read my latest post on
you will see that I have formed some amazing friendships that started on twitter. I was totally inspired by twitter when I finally got it – so much that I started my mom entrepreneur group in Toronto with the hopes of taking the twitter friendship to real live in person! I have met amazing ladies through it. Twitter rocks!
I run a management consulting business in Toronto. I started tweeting mainly to promote my business. One of the greatest values of twitter is that it allows me to demonstrate my personality online. All my other online promotional tools (website, blog, Facebook page and LinkedIn profile) have a serious business tone to them. Although I mostly tweet about business, I also frequently tweet about sports, movies and other interests. Given that most prospective clients always google you before they hire you, twitter is a great way to give them a glimpse of your world outside of business. I’ve realized that clients are not just looking for a consultant with relevant business skills and experience, but also someone whom they would enjoy working closely with…and twitter can be a great way to show them that you are!
I’m a Twitter newbie, too, Amreen, but the longer I’m on (it’s my two week anniversary today), the more I can see the relevance and benefits. Follow me @JenTrend and I’ll watch for you in the twitter-verse!