On Wednesday, I voluntarily missed So You Think You Can Dance. (I know! ZOMG!)
But actually, it was worth it. See, my girls and I had been invited to a bonfire at — wait for it — my husband’s-step-sister’s-godfather’s cottage. And that’s not even as confusing as the driving directions for getting there!
But get there we did, amid light sprinkles of rain. The rain did not have the effect of deterring the two young gentlemen in charge of the bonfire (my 12 year-old step-nephew and his friend), which was great, but it did have the somewhat deleterious effect of encouraging hordes of biting insects. Which was not so great.
However, we persevered: the boys helped the three younger girls (my 2 daughters and my niece, aged 8, 6 and 6) select good marshmallow-roasting sticks, and then they lit the fire (with one match, no less!). Of course, as if to prove Murphy’s law, the universe decided it was time for a torrential downpour the moment the fire was well established.
The weaker sex (or possibly the smarter one) all retired to the cabin to wait out the cloudburst, while the boys willingly kept the fire roaring despite the rain.
When the
moms had finished their glasses of wine rain had abated, we reapplied a fresh coat of bug spray and went to warm our chilly fingers by the fire. By this time, the boys had built up an admirable bed of red coals, perfect for roasting marshmallows:
And you know what? The whole time I was there, I never once thought about who was dancing with whom, and what the judges would say, or the fact that it was the TOP TEN or anything. I had too much fun with the kids and catching up with my friend.
Now, though, I’m really wishing I had a PVR where I’m staying. And I need (NEED, people!) to find a website where I can watch the whole episode. HALP!