I was wandering through Pistachio (Heather Reisman’s fabulous store that features only eco-friendly stationery and gift items) when I came upon these amazing baby products from 3 Sprouts.
One of the co-founders of 3 Sprouts is Banu Khurana, a friend of mine from university. She’s a successful Mompreneur (she began her career with Khurana, a luxury lingerie line that was carried in Barney’s and Holt Renfrew), who has turned her passion for eco-friendly baby products into a highly successful business. 3 Sprouts makes gorgeous smocks, storage bins and hooded towels (and other stuff too) that are not only environmentally friendly but beautifully designed as well.
3 Sprouts has taken off across North America, and is carried in top gift and children’s boutiques across Canada and the U.S. Recently I read that Halle Berry picked up several items for her daughter, Nahla.
It’s one thing to have an idea, and another thing to make that idea into a reality. I have ideas all the time. But, where do I begin? What do I need to start a business? It’s all so overwhelming and mysterious. That’s why it’s so interesting, and educational, to find out how entrepreneurs (especially those who are also juggling a young family at the same time) get started in realising their dream.
In an interview with Springboarders.ca, Banu talks about the acumen and strategy behind her business. Read that interview here to find out more about her road to success.
Springboarders, recently written up in this National Post article, is Canada’s only business planning service dedicated to building action-oriented business plans that guide entrepreneurial companies towards profitable growth.
Those are really beautiful. I wish I had little ones again just so I could indulge!
I will be headed over to read that interview – I’m always so impressed by moms who are able to take an idea and create something really amazing out of it. There are so many brilliant women out there who are making mompreneurship a successful reality!