I haven’t had a lot of time to surf this week. I’m writing report cards, doing a lot of marking and busy with my family life, even on weekends as the girls started Nordic ski lessons last week. Yesterday we had a great lesson, then went for a play date at a new friends place (new to Mommy and twinlets), visited another friend with 6 week old twins who happens to live next door to our new friend. It was a busy day! So, here a just a few selections for this week.
This is a CBC clip (sorry I can’t embed it) about Dr. Jon Barrett. I have written about him before because my OB referred me to him. He is the chief of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Sunnybrook, a multiple births specialist, and is on the advisory board of Multiple Births Canada. He is an amazing doctor with the best bed side manner I’ve encountered.
I love this post 101Things to Do Instead of Yelling or Spanking at Code Name Mama. The title speaks for itself but I will say it’s a great list and there is a very interesting discussion in the comments, there are 100 comments! Wowzers.
The Top 5 Homeschool Lessons My Children Taught me is a post was part of the January Carnival of Natural Parenting. It is about Homeschooling the Montessori way which is child led learning. It is about family and spending time together and learning together. It is about love. It is about not needing to be perfect.
And there’s this post about how blogging was taking valuable time away from this Mama’s family time so she decided to give it up. It really made me think because I spend a lot of time on the computer, reading blogs, twitter and facebook. I’m wondering if I’m spending enough time with my girls, they seem content and play together a lot but….
I hope you enjoy some of these sites as much as I did.
Sara – it’s when you start with the top of your head (or tips of your toes) and progressively tense then relax each area of your body (so head/face, neck, shoulders, arms, torso, legs, feet, toes).
I liked the 101 post – have done a few of those before (although I’m not sure hedge clippers in the hands of an angry parent are a great idea, LOL). As for the blogging issue: it sure can take time out your day – I find the internet in general has the potential to be a major timesuck. But I think it’s like anything – you have to decide what you can do, plan how to fit it into your life, and then follow the plan. I blog the way I parent: I do the best I can, and when I mess up, I forgive myself. I wouldn’t give it up, but I have scaled back with no adverse effects.
what is progressive relaxation??? I need to know…and I’m totally trying the jumping jacks thing – the amount I’ve been yelling lately…I’ll be in great shape stat!
I really like the 101Things to Do Instead of Yelling or Spanking post.
Thank you for the link!
I was really affected by Melodie’s post too. I’m going to be cutting back on my own blog posts – not by much, but for my OCD/perfectionist personality, cutting back at all is good. Good luck finding your balance!