A few days after I wrote my post I received a phone call from the CCRA – this is the company that is outsourced by the Board for special services. Apparently Ryley was now off the list and they would begin the process of getting him started with speech thereapy. Obviously I was quite happy but also somewhat annoyed at how much extra work is added to this whole thing!
Let me explain.
Towards the end of JK I requested Ryley be put on the waitlist for speech therapy as I knew his time would be coming to an end at Erin Oak due to his age. My request was granted and he was put on the list. During the fall when he started SK he was assessed by a speech therapist who then informed what I already knew – yes he has some major issues going on that would need to be addressed, however, the waitlist was long and she wasn’t sure how long it would be until he would start the therapy. While he was waiting to move up the ladder she gave me some things to work on with him at home. If you read my post about the social and behavioural issues that Ryley has been experiencing you will be aware that the waitlist was indeed long. However what confuses and frustrates me even more is that after the first initial assessment the therapy doesn’t start right away – when she called, she informed me that he would be assessed AGAIN and then if it was determined that he would require therapy they would start. How weird is this?? Assess him, determine he needs sp therapy, put him on wait list then assess him again! Well what a surprise after the SECOND time around of course it is determined that you can barely understand what he is saying so gee wiz he certainly does need speech therapy! In my opinion another month was just wasted!
So this crazy circle brings us back to today where I was told he will receive 10 weeks of therapy (1x a weekly) and then assessed again to see if he will require more – I can guarantee he will but of course I am just the mother.
Don’t get me wrong I am happy the therapy is finally starting, but just curious if anyone else has been through this situation? Is it just me or do you think it is a lot of rework?
Until next time,
Chantel, momof8crazymonkeys
Brandee grade 9? That is so wrong! Thank goodness you were able to get the testing done privately! There is a lot more education out there on NVLD which is great but there still needs to be more! I have a niece who was diagnosed with NVLD as well and like you it wasn’t until she was in grade 8 or 9. I am glad you have received the Asperger diagnosis for your 6 yr old now. My 6 year old was diagnosed last year with aspergers as well and I shudder to think where he could have been now had I not known what I had learned from my older son and the pain of getting his diagnosis. I think when you have an older child who has been through the ropes so to speak you know how to become more of an advocate for your child and when and where you need to push so to speak. Hats off to you mama and stay strong! Do you have a support group you are with or othere parents you can talk to? I hope so – it is important:) Take care
Thanks Julie. I am so glad you finally got the ASD diagnosis. I remember having so many mixed emotions when my Joshua was finally diagnosed – terrified, sad, but also relief. It isn’t easy as you know but at least you will be able to get the services in and out of school that will help so much. There are also many support groups that are great. Please please feel free to email me if you ever have questions or just want to have someone to talk to:) Seriously. Take care.
We knew that there was something a little off with our oldest daughter for many years and constantly asked the school division for help. Unfortunately, she was not deemed as high need so she never received any assistance. By grade 9 we had given up, after waiting for 6 years, and went the private route for testing. She was diagnosed with NVLD which is now being considered part of the Autistic Spectrum Disorder diagnosis. If she had received help when we first asked things may have been so much better for her during those early years. We didn’t want to wait with our next and he was tested, privately, at 6 and found to have Aspergers and ADHD. He receives help in school and my next in line receives help for his speech. No wait for them I guess since there are other siblings with needs.
Congrats Chantal. I was eager to hear how you were doing. I know at ErinOak they reassess every 10 weeks, but of course my Noah always needs more.
I’m glad to hear the ball is moving forward, however slowly. We finally got our ASD diagnosis last week, so I’m grateful, hopeful, scared, heartbroken and relieved all at once.
Chin up momma.
Julie (I read ALL your blogs)