I tweeted you yesterday when my four years young MacBook Pro died – suddenly – during an Education, 21st Century Learning IT conference. I needed my MBP to learn all the cool programs the #otf21c Minds on Media people were teaching us.
Will Richardson was there you know. He’s a HUGE education celebrity! It was an important conference, cutting edge dude.
I’ve been using Macs since their inception. Since before there was a graphic interface. I played the Apple Adventure in 1984! I loved that game. It was genius.
My point is I’ve been loyal all along. I only ever used PCs at work because I had to (except for that nasty business with the Toshiba when I cheaped out was budget conscious because I was unemployableed – but we won’t talk about that).
Really Steve?
You couldn’t comp me a new MBP? Think of the children I teach. They need my MBP. I bring it to class & they edit their healthy eating and anti-drug Public Service Announcements on it. They sing songs (that they write btw) into Garage Band which I use for the credit track on their Pioneer Life films. That’s in third grade?
Now they’ll be stuck using the free version of Moviemaker our board splurged for installed. It’s nice that it’s free and all but it ain’t iMovie.
Think of the children Steve.
Next time someone tweets you for help maybe you should check all the Genius Bar schedules, track him or her down, and swoop in to save the day. Think of the positive PR! The tweets would go viral. There would be blog posts about it, millions of them. Well, I’d blog about it. I could get my friend on facebook to share it.
The service is next week. In lieu of flowers please send App store credits.
PS: If you could throw in a class set of iPads I’d tweet about how much you rock!
PPS: I’m a Buddhist too. OK, I’m not, but I’m starting to meditate and I’m reading Pema Chodron right now, this very second, see:
PPS: I’m the happy owner of a brand new MBP and the staff at the Eaton’s Centre Apple Retail Store ROCK!
LOL! My MBP has tape on it because I’ve worn out the wrist-rest area and I’m too cheap to buy a new one. Let me know if your plea to Steve works!
So Erin…
I got home to Guelph and the iMac that the family uses won’t boot up!! Luckily we have a few laptops around…but this is tragic. It’s more than 6 years old though, so it’s not exactly the awful loss you’ve experienced. I’ll be diving into the forums this week to try to figure it out….
Your post made me chuckle…but I know it’s not funny! The saving grace was knowing you have a new one in your hands today. Hope you didn’t lose a lot of important stuff.
Have fun with that!