You don’t want another boring introduction to another blogger. You don’t want tiny nuggets of biographical information about someone who thinks he is witty and smarmy and charming (smarming?). You don’t want to hear about another hectic morning of tying knots, wiping snot and connecting dots. You especially don’t want someone who tries to make cutesy rhymes or worse, overuses annoying antagonizing aggravating alliteration. You don’t want a sycophantic milquetoast lamenting about his white-hot love for his perfect wife and perfect children as he walks on poufy clouds and kisses kittens. You also do not want overflowing chest hair and gold chains picking crumbs from his navel and going on and on about the young ladies he could have scored at last night’s beer bender.
So what do you want from the UrbanMom’s only current dad blogger? Other than my many breakfast for dinner recipes?
What I will give you is transparency. Or at least the PG version of transparency. I am 42, a father of two boys, a nine year old and five year old.
I am lucky enough to go north to cottage country in the summer and just started skiing again in the winter. Chairlifts scare me more than the descent. We rent a house in Toronto as we blew our entire savings from the sale of our previous house on a year long trip with our eldest son to Australasia. It was whimsical, irresponsible but we created our youngest son off the coast of the south island of New Zealand and we still look at it as the best year of our lives. So far.
I am a very anxious person and I will write about that. I need to as it occasionally dominates and it is cathartic to write it down. Please comment about your experiences as it is also cathartic knowing others share similar experiences.
Mostly I will write about being a dad. It is truly the most rewarding part of my life, but, like most, I struggle with daily decisions I make for and with my children. My eldest is both pensive and extremely emotional while my youngest is a happy-go-lucky, occasionally sinister little bugger. When my workday winds down I start to get jumpy and excited about seeing them when I get home. My love for them is fierce.
So welcome to my first post. I hope to engage with readers and provide some perspective about the thoughts and feelings of a dad, a husband, and a plain old balding dude who likes to laugh and loves to write.
Great intro! Welcome to the fold, Jason. Look forward to reading more about your life, family and cooking!
You’re going to miss out, killerfox… too bad for you.
Thanks for your feedback As a long time blogger, I believe in responding to all opinions on any subject, even my presence!
Sure I am an UrbanDad, but I am primarily part of a parental partnership (there’s that damn alliteration again) with my wife, so hopefully my take is one of interest to the majority.
As for the minority, there are many other wonderful writers and strong opinions on this site, so hopefully there will always be a voice out there to find interest and take solace in.
I respectfully disagree, killerfoxx. For one thing, we have had at least one dad blogger at UrbanMoms since the very beginning. We find having a dad’s voice and perspective only adds to whole experience. Also, we invited Jason to join us after reader feedback told us that they were missing the dad voice. And finally, the great thing about this community is that you can come and read your favourites but certainly don’t have to read those you don’t enjoy.
Most parenting issues and topics are universal. I think we can all relate to each other!
This website is called Urbanmoms not Urbandads, its total sellout and not interested in this at all, thanks for ruining the idea of the website
Welcome Jason! We love picnic dinners- which is short form for momma is nuts today so a real dinner aint happenin
# 1 Grampa has a Harley. Please expand.
#2 Kudos for being irresponsible with the trip. Love that. Hold on to it tight
#3 Chantel- I am the last one and I have 6 fewer kids than you
#4 Did everyone know Tuesday was pancake supper (shrove tuesday) day- so love that.
#5 Have you tried meditation. I am new to it but already feel the benefits
#6 Love that you love your wife in that way!
Looking forward to your posts and refreshing style, Jason. We need more testosterone at UM and I can only be responsible for providing so much of it.
Okay well as usual after chasing 8 monkeys around I am last to hop over here and welcome you! Soooooooooooooooo
WELCOME!!!!!! Great to have a balding dad who serves breakfast for dinner – as for me I admit I am the worse cook and have no anxiety over serving my monkeys dessert for breakfast (seriously ice cream is a milk product so it’s okay). I do however have anxiety over several other things but thats is another story in itself.
Grew up in the good ol Toronto as well but traded in the city life for the suburburn life and a 15 seater van lol
Welcome again and I look forward to reading more about your life, anxieties and whatever else you feel like writing about:)
Okay well as usual after chasing 8 monkeys around I am last to hop over here and welcome you! Soooooooooooooooo
WELCOME!!!!!! Great to have a balding dad who serves breakfast for dinner – as for me I admit I am the worse cook and have no anxiety over serving my monkeys dessert for breakfast (seriously ice cream is a milk product so it’s okay). I do however have anxiety over several other things but thats is another story in itself.
Grew up in the good ol Toronto as well but traded in the city life for the suburburn life and a 15 seater van lol
Welcome again and I look forward to reading more about your life, anxieties and whatever else you feel like writing about:)
Welcome Jason! Looking forward to learning more about you and your fam.
Your year abroad sounds amazing and I hope to hear about that – considering something like it myself.
HA! Best photo description ever: “Tasman drove and we thought it was ok if Hudson didn’t wear a helmet as they were just going to the liquor store and back.” I nearly peed myself at that one!
Welcome to urbanmoms, Jason! Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
As the mother of a VERY (clinically) anxious child, I look forward to your adult perspective on it.
Welcome Jason, can not wait to find out what to serve for dinner!! I love breakfast for dinner, but welcome new ideas as my kids say “not eggs again” way too often!!!
Carol – we sold the house, quit our jobs and hopped on a plane. All heady stuff, but that feeling during lift off was absolute freedom. Will be writing more on it for sure.
Thanks for the support!
Wow Jason your trip to Australasia sounds inspiring. I admire the fact that while you claim to be anxious you’re not adverse to risk. I’m definitely not a risk taker.
Looking forward to reading posts from the daddy perspective!
Jase! Congrats on being an Urbanmoms dad.
The Other JG
I am anxious about what breakfast I am going to serve for dinner. I am also anxious about using a verb instead of an adjective to describe my current state of hair.
It’s so friendly here – it’s a bit unsettling.
Thanks Tracey – been a fan of the site for a while ( I am drawn to smart, funny women) so I hope I can offer something to the readers and the fantastic team!
Welcome Jason!
I am also a fan of breakfast for dinner and a sufferer of anxiety.
I also have my own balding dude. (who am I kidding. He’s bald…)
Great to have you on board!
Jen, happy to provide the testosterone you are craving.
Funny, that was the line I used to pick up my wife.
Welcome Jason! I look forward to hearing about the world from a Dad’s point of view!
Awesome! looking forward to your posts! um….does popcorn count as breakfast food?
Welcome, Jason! I can’t wait to read more about your life with your lovely wife and sons. Good to have you here!!
I absolutely hate to cook and avoid it at all cost (ask my husband and kids!) but I can make a mean French toast 🙂
Welcome to the family, Jason! It’s always great to have a little testosterone in the UrbanMoms mix.
How appropriate that your debut is on one of my own family’s favourite menu days of the whole year; Fat Tuesday. Any breakfast for dinner is a hit with the kids, but pancakes for dinner?? Absolute awesomeness.
I look forward to hearing all about it. Apart from the bank 😉
You mean other than cheesy eggs and toast?
Glad to be part of the gang!
Welcome, Jason! I am interested in hearing more about you and your family. But, to be honest, I am most interested in the recipes 😉