If you’re a regular Comic-Con goer and you found yourself here by way of a google search, I apologize that this is not some lurid post about Batman and Daenerys Targaryen acting out some Fifty Shades of Grey business. This is about one mother using her child’s dream to reclaim what is rightfully hers. Sounds epic right?
As Will tabulated this morning, he has been happily falling asleep in his own bed and wandering down the hall to take over mine (almost) nightly for 5 years. “Mom I didn’t do it when I was trapped in my crib.” As regular readers of my blog know, it’s a fight that I long since abandoned. I fought it at first. I’ve tried threats, bribes, tears (both of ours) and ultimately I decided, in the scheme of fights to wear snowpants, practice piano and turn the damn TV down, I was willing to let this one go.
Last week, we were reading the Star Wars Lego Minifigures guide for maybe the 1,000th time. “This figure is exclusive to people who attended the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con.” Change the date and you have a very common theme through the book. I said “I think there’s a Comic-Con in Toronto.”
He literally jumped off the bed. “WHAT? Are you kidding me?”
I secretly hoped that I was mistaken. Yes. Yes. I dressed up like Princess Leia for the kid to go to Star Wars but I did not intend to make this a habit. If you had said to me ten years ago that I would be googling, ‘Toronto Comic-Con’, well… maybe I would have ended up with the guy that I dated who earned the nickname ‘Comic Book Guy’* instead of being single forever.
Anyway. A quick google later and yup. March. Toronto Comic-Con. That night, I awoke with a foot in my face and some turbo snoring. We do not currently have a dog. This is my noisy kid. Right there I hatched my plan.
“Sooooo,” I said the next morning. “I googled and Comic-Con is here next month.” His eyes went wide in disbelief.
“But here’s the deal. Comic-Con is for big kids. And big kids sleep in their own beds not in their mom’s.” He was nodding up and down and still smiling. Usually by this point in my bribe, he’s decided that my bed is worth about anything.
“You have a month and half til Comic-Con. If you don’t sleep in my bed that whole time we can go AND you can take $40 out of your bank to buy something. You know that I stick to these things right? I will not cave.”
“Mom. I know I tell you that I sleepwalk into your room? I’m lying. I don’t. So now when I wake up, I’ll say ‘Comic Con’ and go back to bed.”
I feel like this is it. I feel like I’ll be able to occupy more than 1/3 of my bed again in the near future.
And I really REALLY hope that Jamie from Outlander will be at this freaking Comic-Con. Or even just Comic Book Guy.
I’ll keep you posted.
*Just to note. My friends have noticed a pattern that as soon as I give a guy a nickname, he’s out. Sorry to Comic Book Guy. Franklin. Crazy Dave. Toni Braxton Boy and the countless others who were probably awesome…but who got named.
too funny. It’s amazing what kids will do for certain things! 🙂