I hear this cry at least once a day. If the boy bangs his head or doesn’t get his way or generally is just pissed off at me, he wants his blankie.
Blankie has been there since day one. When he’s sleeping….
When he’s snoozie and just wants to cuddle (my favourite use).
When he’s passed out from a raging fever…
Or when he just wants to play.
I started with one blankie. When I realized that this was going to be his thing, I ordered three more. This week…HORRORS…I’m down to one!
Blankie 1 – Kid ate spicy sausage last summer and barfed in the blanket. Mom realized that she had three more and decided the ease of putting it in a plastic bag and chucking it out would be far more beneficial than attempting to wash that sucker!
Blankie 2 – Currently in my friend’s linen closet.
Blankie 3 – At home – in his bed – waiting for the first meltdown of the night.
Blankie 4 – Somehow – MIA???? How in hell does a blankie go missing? It was at school and now it’s gone. This is not good. His friends feel bad for him and have been lending him theirs at school – how cute!
I just went on line and thankfully – his blanket is still being sold. But? Do I order a couple more just in case? Or do I shrug and say ‘once they’re gone – they’re gone dude.’
Do your kids have security blankets?
I had a bear – his name is Teddrums. It is in Will’s room and some nights, he makes me take it the hell out of there because it freaks him out. The thing is not cuddly and has beady eyes…hmmm was this the start of my lifetime of screwed up relationships? Things to ponder….
If you’re ever thinking of a sleepover again, you better get on the blower and buy 3. Don’t you have a shirt or sweatshirt or something you wear that makes you feel better when its a bad day – your ‘go-to’ outfit – a coffee cup – a movie – something that brings comfort – we all need them. Thought my kid would never outgrow the need for 3 do-do’s including the one that had to be touching his toes, before he’d fall asleep. Still see him relax when his toes are touched or rubbed. GET THE BLANKIE.
This just might be your chance to say good-bye to “blankie”. Remind him that he misplaced it and mommy wasn’t there at school. Hopefully it will come up somewhere or else it’s time to say good-bye. My daughter had her “lou lou” her soother until she was two and she asked for it for 4 weeks and the whining was painful but eventually she stopped asking for it….I never had a teddy or blankie and I survived!!
My old boy still sleeps with his “nana”. Sadly it is a crochet blanket so it gets very worn out and has needed lots of repairs. My mom made it and she died when he was 5 so it is extra special. He seriously debated bringing it to his first overnight camp last year. He is taller than me and just today told me to stop putting notes in his lunch bag (cue the tears). So I hope nana sticks around .
Ally and Hazel both sleep with the same style of stuffed lamb. They both like having them around at bedtime, and Hazel is pleased if she stumbles across one during the day, but they don’t seek them out at any other time of day. Right now we own four lambs, so each kid can have one in their bed, and one spare. I think they could definitely do without them if they had to though, so I don’t think I’ll be buying any more.
My almost-8 boy still has “Puppy” he got when he was 6months. When i realized it was a keeper, I got two more; one got lost in a mall. I always hid the one not in use so as to discourage the necessity of having two all the time. I didn’t think he knew there were two. Until one night when he was 2, he barfed on Puppy #1 and I did a very clever magic trick to “clean” Puppy (i.e, trade with the hidden one). He looked at it and said, “Oh, that my nother Puppy.” Sigh… Now he just tells me when it’s time to trade for Puppy’s bath. But he sleeps with Puppy every night and it appears he will do so for the foreseeable future.
My very big, tough mature 8 year still sleeps with his blankie, has had it since birth. I had two but we lost one when he was around 1.5 so this one is very very dear to him. I even have to wash it behind his back & it really grosses me out at times. He goes nuts if he can’t find it before bed time so it can be exhaustive at times but I figure he’s only young once. I never had anything like that & my younger one doesn’t either so is it a little weird – yes, sometimes.
Madame has a pink blanket she’s had since birth, but this “security” thing is kinda new to me, as the boy never had one, nor did my sister or I grow up with a must-have item. I’ve always tried to discourage that kind of thing, but she’s firm about her blanket. We don’t leave the house with it though, unless it’s to sleep away somewhere. I’ll be quite glad when she’s ready to give it up.
I don’t think I’d replace it (I couldn’t really anyway) but in your case… I just don’t know!? He won’t die, of course… do you think he’s be unduly traumatised, or would he just opt for something else, maybe? That’s a tough one, sistah – good luck!!
Jen – I totally sleep with Will’s spare when he’s at a sleepover…pathetic I know!
Tasman has Red B and Pink B, both mere threads of formal blankets. He loves them, we love them, but he does not need them anymore (don’t leave the house for overnights or cottages weekends).
We tried to throw them away, but we couldn’t do it. Tasman was fine, it was Steph and I that looked at them on the bed and saw it too much of a transition that we were not willing to accept.
We have entered therapy now and should be able to give up the blankets shortly.
My six year old daughter is the only one of my three kids who had a security item, and it’s “pink blankie”. She has slept with it every night of her life (except for that one time she went to the cottage and forgot it and had to sleep with “purple blankie”). I fully expected I’d be packing pink blankie up for university with her in a decade or so. Last weekend she was on a playdate that morphed into a sleepover. The mom reassured me that she could borrow pjs and a toothbrush, but I was anxious all night about how shed survive without pink blankie. She did just fine, but in the morning I went in and snuggled with it a little. Milestores are so fantastic to see, but also a little bittersweet.