My parents are watching the toddler for the night because we’re going out for dinner, and they picked him up this afternoon to take him away which gave us a long stretch of freedom before we had to be where we needed to go.
My first order of business was a long, solitary shower. The kind where no one is desperately trying to get in on the other side of the locked door. The kind where the water was hot when I got into the tub. The kind that involved the full extent of personal grooming.

And then Spouse and I got wild. Finally free to fulfill our urges uninterrupted, we did what two people who live together occasionally desperately need to do.

Dirty, I know. Well, not anymore.
Not sad at all! Though I’ll admit that if Spouse wasn’t here, I’d probably spend all that cleaning time reading in the tub and eating cheese platters.
How sad is it that I did the exact same thing. My hubby took my kids away for three days and I…cleaned!