I’m still basking in my good dose of Oprah from these past several days.
Some things she mentioned in her closing yesterday, about listening to what your life is telling you… about not waiting for anyone to do for you, to save you, to live for you… about being responsible for your own happiness…
Le sigh.
Yes, I know this. She’s said this many, many times over the years, but of course, I always knew this to be true. Everyone knows this is true. And somehow I find myself very low down on the very long list, and I wonder how I got there.
I scorched the rice the other night. I never rarely ever do that. It was unintentional (everyone makes mistakes) but I wasn’t paying attention. There have been a few instances like this lately, and it’s because I wasn’t paying attention. And I’m tired.
But this is what happens when people are distracted and tired – small errors turn into big mistakes. A person can accidentally burn the house down. Or leave their baby in the carseat all day by mistake. For years and years I’ve watched regular people on her show describe how a spiral starts… what did I learn?
First it’s a ripple… then it’s a tap… then it’s a brick… then the wall falls down on you…
I feel how tired I am in my body, and yet I don’t make sure I get more rest. I’d make sure the children napped or went to bed early if they were exhausted, because I want them to be at their best. They need to be. Why don’t I do this for myself?
I make sure they have all the right things to eat, and that their lunch boxes contain all the correct stuff… and I will eat a gross cheeseburger and fries while WALKING DOWN THE STREET because I seldom make time get all my stuff done (like sitting and eating) and be on time for school pick-up. The scheduling I do for myself is waaaaay out of whack.
It is awful. But, I do it to myself. I need to make some changes. Now.
Because I’m listening to my life around me, and I must figure out some ways to make life easier any way that I can. To feel happier more of the time, and less grumpy, and snappy, and grumbling about making dinner. It means embracing some things, and letting go of some others.
Because I don’t want to burn the house down by mistake.
Perhaps when we learn the lesson, remembering everything doesn’t seem so hard. Because then you really know what you know. You know?
I’ve got some ideas. I’m just trying to execute them now. I will be victorious, dammit.
*shakes it off*
And now for something hilarious, have a look at this link one of my foxes turned me onto. It’s a wee bit salty in the language, so if you do not enjoy that sort of thing, please move along. For the rest of you, please enjoy Hungover Owls. (I had to include it – after all, I’m still Grumble Girl.)
Struggling with some stuff? Tell, if you wanna. Or go get a dose of Oprah from someplace out on the internets… she’s a cure, and you know she’s there for you. (Heh.)
So true, all of it. I’m completely certain that I am so dreadfully sick right now because I was up nights with my son for a couple of weeks running and never found time to catch up on that, so i’ve been totally run down. Why do I not maybe, say, nap on my days off instead of running errands? Duh.
And omg I am howling at work, those owls are so funny!
Hi fellow Mamas
Tracey, your timing (as Nancy will testify) is uncanny.
I have sampled neighbourhood mamapeeps. Seriously
Holy shizzle, it is a major burn out year in the whole community…don’t know if we have some kind of bad neighbourhood karma to work off.
Or is the whole universe caught up in some bizzarre spirale of spin?
Thank you for the wisdom!! “I do it to myself”. Yes!!
Time too look after yourself? Does that HAPPEN?!?! Oh my God. I’m not whining (really!), but I’ve taken a couple of weeks off of triathlon training and I miss that 90 minutes a day of working my ass off just because it was MINE, you know? Feel free to tell my I’m crazy, but I would so rather be running 10k than cleaning up for snack right now.
It should read “right” in the first sentence.
See, there’s the proof. I’m too distracted and busy.
I haven’t watched Oprah in years as I’m never home at the write time and don’t have that DVR thingy. I do admire her very much though. Always have, right from Color Purple times.
I know your pain sista! I have been trying to take care of my self more. I was exercising but that took a nose dive when I signed on to coach the Extreme Team at school – ah the irony, coaching the kids for a triathalon whilst I stand there fattening up.
I have started to make time for socializing more, which has helped me a lot.
Also, I downloaded a todo app on my phone. Haven’t used it yet, but I’m hoping it will help me once I do start using it. It seems that I can’t hold it all in my head anymore.
Keep listening… and in the meantime, we all have each other, Irish. 😉
So much. And it’s sooooo exhausting.
I’m very happy I’m among good company on my trip to Crazytown, Village… xox
Who the hell am I?
What the hell am I? What am I supposed to do?
I keep listening for the answer but can’t hear anything.
I want to do everything, be everything, make everything happen, be better, try harder, overcome, triumph , be funny and look nice.
you too right?
it is f$%&ing exhausting.
sleep well tonight!
You’re right, lady. That’s EXACTLY the adage I need to pay attention to. I’m just trying to figure out how to still make the meals and clean the clothes. D-r-a-g-g-i-n-g myself around lately. But I’m working it out.
Please pass the wine. Just kidding! (Kinda.)
I’ve seen them all too… I could only keep myself from not crying if I concentrated on how much I loved Michael Landon… how weird is it to have had a crush on Pa? Heh.
It’s what Alyson Schafer always says about following the airline rule of parenting: when the oxygen masks fall, who gets it first? You do. Because you can take care of them, but they can’t take care of you.
But we all forget. We’re so over worked, over programmed and overly plugged in, it’s amazing we can still remember to breathe.
i can’t believe i shed a tear when she walked off the set! me! i don’t cry at little house on the prairie! (my husband thinks i’m heartless as he sits there weeping when pa has a heart to heart but i’ve seen them all!)
hungover owls are hysterical! i’ve always loved them but now i know why!
I know – I think looking back on a career always seems less murky that it’s onset… and things sure did work out well for her!
Why is it all so CRAZYMAKING?!!
I so envy Oprah for knowing exactly what she was meant to do. And for being so happy doing it. And being so zen about it all with the full knowledge that it will all work out if you give it the right energy.
I need a calling. And assurance. Le sigh.