I pretty much took the week off from wife-ing and mothering.
I had a social media conference to go to on Tuesday, and between the cocktail party the night before, and the post conference dinner and drinks, and then that magazine launch party I went to last night… well, in a few short days, the house has completely gone to seed, there’s no food in the fridge, I can’t tell you how much laundry there is to do, and I’m pretty sure my family hates me.
There’s something really fun about leaving life behind for a few days though.
I don’t travel much – I haven’t spent a night away from my family in… well… since last summer, maybe? I am always here.
I buy the all food and clothes.
I cook almost every single meal we consume.
I wash and fold everything.
I spend about 80% of my day hours in my kitchen. The rest of the time, I’m fetching and ferrying.
I do the homework (en Francais) and wipe the bums and pour the juice and answer the endless questions and get to the soccer pitch and bring the school snack and go to the drugstore/grocerystore/drycleaner and come up with ANOTHER dinner and make them play nice and try to model good behaviour and hear all. their. chatter…
And honestly? I’ve had it.
I don’t give a rat’s ass if they eat crackers and ketchup for dinner. They can rot their wee brains with forty consecutive hours of television if they want to. Wear yesterday’s underwear or go commando for all I care. Need help with your homework, darling? Ask someone else. Cry your eyes out over your disappointments to anyone who is NOT ME… here you go – TWO quarters for the phone.
Mummy is going out. Yes, again. She needs a break from living her life between interruptions. She’s going out, and she’s not glancing at her watch every twenty minutes because she’s not on the clock for a change.
Juggling is for clowns.
Yeah, it’s good to hang out with adults for more than a couple of hours at a time. It’s been a great few days for me… I’m exhausted, but at the same time I feel recharged after meeting a whack of new people, hearing new ideas, and seeing some new things. And sharing ideas for as long a time as is necessary to exchange them without being distracted by the shenanigans of small people? A golden rarity, I tell you.
And having a few drinks and eating meals I didn’t have to prepare myself didn’t hurt either.
But now? Besides the massive mess in the house to get squared away, and eyeballing the empty fridge, I should at least take this laundry to the basement before I try to get caught up with life.
And by “life” I mean Facebook and Twitter. I’m so far behind in correspondence, I fear I might never catch up…
It’s all good though. And in case you were wondering, I don’t feel guilty AT ALL! (Why should I? Everyone is still alive over here, right?!)
I cannot wait for Blissdom in October. Are you going?
*hides behind oversized sunglasses* No pictures, please.
Just kidding… I suppose I never feel happy about the messy stuff, but it’s all relative, too. Martin is never ratty – it’s kind of amazing, really. And so he cares for the children likewise, but it’s amazing how fast a break from “maintenance” can throw things under a bus. I’m LAZY! I like 5-minute tasks, not those day-long jobs. I need to nap, you know.
PS you can stay with me Grumbler during blissdom.
OK is anyone else going to mention that when things are falling apart in grumbletown there are no photos? We want to see, for goodness sake! Show us your mess! Show us your fabulous kids in ugly and dirty clothes. Show us messes on the floor and nose marks on the windows, an empty fridge and a ratty Martin. STAT!
Get a ticket, girl! And i you can’t, don’t worry – I’ll be in town, and we’ll find each other and drink up ALL the drinks. (Heh.) xox
Goddamn it – you’re going to Blissdom….ugh. Maybe I need to rethink this.
I love hanging out with cool peeps like YOU, too… sadly, I’m still in minimum-security baby prison. I only have mornings to “myself” a few days a week, and by that I mean I take care of all the heavy lifting sans enfants during that time. Le sigh. It won’t be like this forever though.
Plus, I have just a touch of imaginary OCD, so I can’t let the place go to hell. I start tearing my hair out. But make no mistake – these children are TOTALLY in training!!
Check out Blissdom – I have no idea how they line up their speakers, but you should inquire!
I gave up on a tidy home long ago. I’d much rather be doing fun things like hanging out with cool peeps like you….or drawing…or dammit, taking a nap with The Huz. So I trained our kids to do the housework!
Like I said, I gave up on a tide home long ago.
Blissdom? Should I go to that? Do they need funny speakers?