This winter I borrowed a copy of “Free Willy” from the library, thinking my two older girls would like it. They were basically unimpressed by it, but Brinley, our little two year-old nugget, became OBSESSED with it. She would ask to watch it thrice daily, she would jump up and down with joy whenever she saw that orca breeching in the water, and her fascination with whales has continued to this day.

Kids are weird, man.
First we have Karenna’s passion for all things horses, and now Brin’s affinity for whales. It’s pretty cute, actually. She has killer whale bath toys, a stuffed Orca that I launch into her crib every night and holler, “Free Willy!” and she laughs and laughs.
We were watching Free Willy (again) yesterday (we own our own copy now, obviously) and at the very end, when Willy leaps over the pier (tell me you’ve seen it) and Jesse reaches up to stroke the whale’s belly as he soars overhead, Brinley whispered, “I want to touch a whale like that.”
So cute. And strange. But mostly cute.
This is just the cutest thing. Isn’t it just so funny how kids get attached to the most seemingly random things? Love it!
I saw that movie half a bazillion times when I was a kid. My brother (Brandon, not Nick) was obsessed with killer whales also.
If I was standing on a pier and a whale jumped over me *shudder* I’d FORSURE need therapy for life, man! FOR LIFE!!!
Great, now ill have nightmares tonight!!!