Why yes, yes I have been watching a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, why do you ask?
I haven’t had a lot of energy lately, apparently growing a tiny human while trying to care for another tiny human is quite the task. Because of this I’ve spent a lot of time on my computer, even more than usual, which I didn’t realize was possible. In an effort to at least make this extra screen time productive I’ve been cleaning up my files and organizing things, including the eleventy billion photos I’ve taken of Chase in the past 17 months.
Enter my puzzle.
I know they say the camera can add ten pounds but when did they start adding YEARS! I look at Chase (right this second I’m looking at him) and I see my baby boy, perhaps a little more toddler than baby but all the while he is my sweet LITTLE boy. Somehow the pictures I’ve been uploading lately are not telling the same story. Lately the pictures coming out of my camera are flat out frightening. I keep getting images of this…little boy…gasp. Not only is there no evidence of baby but I barely see any toddler.
I can’t say this any better than Tracey, but I totally agree. It’s so magical and bittersweet– and yes, pictures! I’ve never wished after the fact that I had *less* pictures of my babies. Sigh. xo
I was JUST gonna say what Jen said… you’ll look at your son, then glance to your newborn… when you look back at Chase, he will be a giant. It’s crazy. And heartbreaking. And wonderful.
He is so sweet… just keep taking all the pics you possibly can. It’s all such a blur…
Just wait until he seems massive and grown up after the baby arrives! It is amazing.
I had this same thing happen when I got school photos back of my kids. My son suddenly looked like a MAN. He is 11 and I could see the hint of the man he will some day be and a full on look at the teenager he is about to become. I hate to tell you but it never stops happening.
Btw, your little boy is a doll.
well it’s only fair, I mean I cried writing it…
Why the hell are you making me cry so early!!??