This morning, Will taught me a couple things and I had an ‘a-ha’ parenting moment. I thought I’d take a minute to share because any one of these things could prove useful to you as you start your day.
1. ‘Even though lots of people think the Milky Way is a big giant circle in the sky made out of milk, it isn’t. It’s actually big space rocks and it could really mess up your spaceship, so it’s not a a good place to visit.’ So. If you were planning a March Break trip to the Milky Way, you may want to rethink it. You can thank Will for that tip and for saving you money on repairs.
2. ‘Today would be a horrible day to have a garage sale. You’d really only get the people who have to go out to walk their dogs. You wouldn’t even make $5.’ So. May I suggest you stop shoveling a space in your driveway to make room for the White Elephant table and wait until a summer weekend to hold your garage sale? Could be good.
3. ‘It would be really helpful if you could get the waffles out of the freezer for me since I don’t have much experience with finding things in the door of the freezer.’ Note to self. Add ‘able to locate things in the freezer door’ to my work experience on my resume. Key.
4. ‘You know there’s a little part of my brain and it just said to me ‘if you actually do what your mom wants, she won’t get mad at you, and you could maybe do it again tomorrow’ and I decided that part of my brain was smart and I should listen to it.’ Remind me to hug that part of his brain later – or maybe slip it a $50 so it can go out for drinks on me.
This last point was his response to my parenting AHA this morning. When Will was little, for some ridiculous reason, I put it in my head that under no circumstances would there be TV in the morning during the week. So there never has been. Ever. Unless he’s at auntie’s house where he could be watching tv and eating pizza at 7a. This morning it hit me how much easier my life would be if he flipped on the tube – with the deal that he gets dressed and makes his own breakfast. Well. Look what happened! I showered, dressed, came downstairs and said ‘it’s time to go’. He was dressed, fed, dishes in the dishwasher and we walked out the door. I’m still in shock. Why the HELL have I been fighting this? What is an extra 15 minutes of screen time in the morning for this sanity?
So Happy Hump Day everyone. May your day be free of garage sales and asteroids! If you need me, I’ll be here thinking of what other rules I have in place that I can bend to save on therapy bills.
#3 also applies to husbands 🙂