I worry a lot about how I am raising my kids, which is ok, because it is pretty much the most important thing I got going on in my life. Besides corn nuts and Diet Coke naturally.
Anyway, here are 20 unique and not so unique little and big things that I adore about my two boys: Hudson and Tasman.
1. I love that Hud was assigned the tuba and seems to enjoy it.
2. I love that Tasman lost both his two front teeth at the same time (all he wants for Christmas?)
3. I love Tasman’s belly.
4. I love Hudson’s long, couch filling body.
5. I love Tasman’s interpretive dance moves.
6. I love when both of them lie on me and we watch the Food Network.
7. I love that Hud has mastered chop sticks
8. I love that Tasman spells everything.
9. I love that both of them have beat me at 21 (well, kind of)
10. I love that Hudson claims to remember some of his time away with us in New Zealand.
11. I love that both of them are honest.
12. I love that both of them are not sneaky.
13. I love that Tasman says “seriously” and “as a matter of fact, yes…”
14. I love that Hud knows all the words to all the pop songs (all the words, not all the meanings)
15. I love that Tasman wants his mother to do stories every night (envy a little, love a lot)
16. I love that Hud exults about loving a chapter (a four page chapter, but I will take it)
17. I love that both know I am flawed and will admit it.
18. I love listening to Tasman play Lego.
19. I love Hudson’s belly laugh.
20. I love that they love each other.
Sappy? Sure. But why not. These are the little things that keep all the other things at bay.
What are a couple of little things that you love about your kids?
I love their names, Jason!
They sound amazing and it is wonderful to see a man enjoy his kids so much! And notice the little things
1. I love too much to list without burning my dinner ……………..
I love this list… and…
I love the way Will says ‘yesternight’ instead of last night –
I love that he loves making me laugh and gets that he’s funny
I love that he hugs all the kids goodbye at school when he leaves
I love the little soft part of his neck where his hairline is and that most of the time he loves it when I touch it but sometimes it tickles the crap out of him….
yeah I could go on all day.