I have come to realize how much I like to work hard. Partly so that I can treat myself to some of the wonderful recent #$%^ing spring purchases I have made. Partly because it just feels so good.
There is a nifty little trick when you are self employed- if you don’t work – guess what, you don’t get paid. Yes freedom, yes autonomy, yes scared shitless at times.
with lovely,sticky, funny, adoring and precocious 5 year olds who toot all day long and think it is perfectly normal and say things with absolutely no filter whatsoever.
Today was a beautiful day.
Breakfast with favourite 16 year old. Followed by 35 of these

(35 more of these tomorrow).
Then I shot a video with two of my most favourite little artists. They were so excited and full of beans. Little guy said he had a bit of ‘stage fright’. They were gorgeous
Dinner was a a perfect hamburger with french fries and a chocolate milkshake at delicious burger joint have not done that in a while so loved it) a short walk from home with the late day sun still out.
Then my last Tuesday night private lesson. Eleven year old artist was finishing a portrait of each family member. The thrill of it coming together was palatable.
This is her mom- lover of all, helper to anyone with a broken wing or troubled heart
this is dad- he likes to replant saplings and raise them to be strong trees
her big sister on the keyboard
her brother who loves to read
the artist herself
(do you see the detail? The hands?)
I feel good.
That is terrific, Village – and you should feel good. You should feel STELLAR!! xox