For the first time in a very long time I feel like I have some balance to my life.
I’ve been a stay at home mom for the past 12 years. In those 12 years a lot has gone on. Experiences that have tested my emotional strength and made me question so many things about my life. Experiences that have kicked my life off kilter
I would need a job during school hours with school holidays off.
I had no idea where I could possibly find a job with that kind of schedule.
Monday to Friday. 9am-12:30pm. Closed Christmas, March Break and summer.
I started back in January and there was a bit of an adjustment. I am not Montessori trained and that’s where I struggled. My teaching partner is in a word – amazing – at what she does. She is such a strong teacher that I often feel like less of one but she goes out of her way to make me feel like I’m doing a good job.
I love having co-workers. Probably because they are all such nice people. And so supportive of me and my new venture. They all want me to do well and be successful in this new teaching environment.
I love having my routine in the morning. That was also a big adjustment – figuring out how early I have to get up to get myself ready and do everything I need to get done for the kids before leaving the house at 8:30. It’s also forced them to pick up some of the slack and do more for themselves.
I love my drive to work. It’s a beautiful drive in any weather but I just like the quiet, alone time with my radio station and mentally preparing for the day.
My work day is over at 12:30 so I still have my afternoons to play with the puppy clean, do laundry or groceries or just chill with a hot coffee before I go pick the kids up from school.
I remember in the early days when I questioned if I was cut out for this job thinking “I have to make this work, no other job could fit as perfectly into my life as this one.”
It’s true. This job has brought a balance to my life that I have not had in years.
I’m out of the house doing important work.
Making my own money.
At the same time I am still available for my kids to help out at the school in the afternoons.
They still see me waiting for them as they walk out the doors at the end of the day.
Me working has not changed their lives. The only change for them is Sean doing morning drop off (grateful for his work from home job!), but that’s not a big deal. He is more than capable and he’s always done as much as I have where parenting is concerned.
Cuyler is in a very good place. He has had an amazing past several months at school and I have been getting a great report everyday. “Two thumbs up Mum!”
I’m in a good place in my life and it feels really good.
I love this – so happy for you!
I’m so happy for you, Christine – they all sound like EXCELLENT changes. BRAVA!! You deserve some happy balance in your life, woman!! xox
good for you- great attitude and handling it all xoxoxo
Lovely Christine. Very much deserved from what I can see.