I will admit that in years past Thanksgiving was always just about good food, football and shopping. I never really gave much though to the things I was truly thankful for. This year, for many reasons, I’ve given the matter some pretty serious thought. Here is my first official “Things I am Thankful For” list.

1. My kids. Good Lord I am so blessed. I have two all but perfect children. They are both perfectly healthy, happy little heathens. I could not be more in love with them.
2. My husband. Sure it’s not rainbows and sunshine 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but I really did hit the jackpot in this department. I found someone who loves me just the way I am but isn’t afraid to call me on my bullshit. He is every bit the manly man who gets things done around the house and goes to work to support us everyday but he still manages to have a soft side that melts for his children and me when I need it the most.
3. My family. I could go on for days and days and days about how great my family is. There isn’t anything I couldn’t ask of them (parents and extended). I am also truly blessed to have just as wonderful in-laws who treat me as one of their own. To go one step farther? We are able to spend holidays TOGETHER. My family and my husbands not only get along but actually LIKE each other. We really are in the minority with our situation and we do our very best not to take it for granted.
4. My friends. I don’t generally like to classify friends as “online” and “IRL” because honestly my very BEST friends fall into both categories now. I have been so blessed to find such an amazing assortment of people whom I’ve gotten to know not only online but in person. While I wish I could move them all onto some sort of commune with me, it is nice to be able to open my computer any time of day and find a handful of friends whenever I need them.
5. My life in general. It’s not that I don’t have my worries or troubles but when you look at the big picture I have a pretty charmed life.
Whether you celebrated Thanksgiving last month or will be celebrating it this week, tell me what are you thankful for right now?
Also head over to my personal blog to see my list of ridiculous things I’m thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving, lady!! You ARE blessed! Hold your people close… xox
i love that you made two lists.
I hate you for being so stinkin’ cute.
And skinny.
Happy Thanksgiving, lady!