This morning before school, the man on the radio said, “…aaaaand gas prices have shot up again… it’s at a dollar thirty-one…”
Ava Scarlett put her hands to her mouth and made round, surprised eyes.
“Mummy!” she gasped, “Did he say shuddup?”
And then I get it. “No, no… he said shot up… he means the price of gas got higher overnight. Much higher.” Man, that’s bad.
“Oh…” She’s relieved. “That’s good. He don’t have to go in time-out then.”
And there it is… a silver lining.
But c’mon middle-east… can’t we all just get along? (I’m being facetious, of course.) Sadly, the turmoil will get much worse before it get better… but it’s a start. Le sigh. I feel so safe in our country.
PS – I don’t usually get my kids to “pose” for any pictures, but I did have her make this face again, which was easy when I said, “remember what the man on the radio said a while ago?” Instant shocked-face. Hilarious. And it’s interesting to note that I never get this reaction when I drop an f-bomb… I love that shut up is waaaaaaay more scandalous and taboo in our house.
Squeee! That girl is A DOLL. And I love that “shuddup” is scandalous ’cause, you know what, it can hurt.
So cute.
I love their innocence at this age. My 5yo daughter was aghast listening to a Ke$ha song in the car the other day because “she said a bad word”. I was a little concerned, given that she hadn’t commented on Pink’s “F-‘in Perfect” or Cee Lo’s “F*^*( You”, about what word it was that had alarmed her.
“She said,” (and with this she lowered her voice), “dancing like we’re DUMB.”
When we visit, we’ll make a sammich out of her, and we’ll split it, okay?
Thanks Racheal… and yes, the political undertone… lordhavemercy.
I laughed at this one! Is she delicious or what!!!!
I love it!! The picture is priceless (and the political undertone is not lost.)