So much happens during the 16 days that the Olympics run for. Here are just a few standouts for me.
Some observationsI was completely satisfied with CTV’s live coverage of these games (sorry USA).
Between CTV, TSN and SN1 there was always something to watch. I really enjoyed The Difference Makers, Snapshots, Raising an Olympian and Superbodies. Well done, folks!
Between CTV, TSN and SN1 there was always something to watch. I really enjoyed The Difference Makers, Snapshots, Raising an Olympian and Superbodies. Well done, folks!
I heard there was some fuss over Gabby Douglas’s hair and I’m not sure why she was singled out. I did notice the trend of messy ponytails while watching artistic gymnastics.
While their skills in the gym are nothing short of phenomenal, I did not like their messy hair. Probably because I grew up dancing and a clean, classic bun was always required – much like in rhythmic gymnastics.
I just thought that as elite Olympic athletes, their hair looked as though it was an afterthought.
I suppose that’s where the double standard comes in though. Nobody cares what the female rowers or volleyball players do with their hair…

I just thought that as elite Olympic athletes, their hair looked as though it was an afterthought.
I suppose that’s where the double standard comes in though. Nobody cares what the female rowers or volleyball players do with their hair…
I think synchronized swimming is incredibly underrated and under appreciated. I saw blog after blog focusing on crazy synchro faces, instead of the strength required to pull off skills like this (they are not allowed to touch the bottom of the pool!)
I watched in awe at the gymnastics elements, the underwater elements, the strength…
And then I stared at their bodies in awe of how amazing they all were. Strong and lean. I think they had the most beautiful bodies of all the athletes.

And then I stared at their bodies in awe of how amazing they all were. Strong and lean. I think they had the most beautiful bodies of all the athletes.
Those damn last day Olympics-in-review always leave me in tears. I know I’m not the only one. It really is so great to see all the memorable moments complied into one reel, often in slow motion and set to inspirational music. Pass the tissues…
Things I Will Miss
The “I Believe” song.
I know many are sick of it by now but for me this song conjures up all the warn fuzzies I felt during Vancouver 2010.
The commercials
– Mark Ronson/Coke. Had me dancing every time it came on.
– The Visa commercials with Morgan Freeman – inspiring.
– Mark Ronson/Coke. Had me dancing every time it came on.
– The Visa commercials with Morgan Freeman – inspiring.
– P&G Thank You, Mom. Still makes me well up every time.
– Powerade ION4
What/who inspired me
The Canadian women’s soccer team.
They kept it classy while inspiring the next generation. The motto of these game.
I loved watching our athletes celebrate their (many) bronze wins as though they were gold.
I was proud of Canada for flooding Jared Connoughton with tweets and messages of love and pride when the 4×100 bronze was not to be ours.
~”You are not disabled by the disabilities you have, you are able by the abilities you have.”
~”Being disabled doesn’t have to be a disadvantage.”
~Oscar Pistorius
~”Being disabled doesn’t have to be a disadvantage.”
~Oscar Pistorius
I can only hope that he has given parents of children with disabilities the inspiration to offer them every chance at success and push them beyond their abilities.
What were the highlights for you?
Share them with me while I nurse my Olympic hangover and try peel myself off the couch that I’ve been sitting on for the past 16 days.
Share them with me while I nurse my Olympic hangover and try peel myself off the couch that I’ve been sitting on for the past 16 days.
Yes – don’t ever apologize.
Paula Findlay had nothing to apologize for. My heart broke for her.
Then I read that she got up and ran the route by herself the next day.
That’s why she’s an Olympian.
I thought you would like Hugh Fornel…with his scruff and long hair.
Yep. so hot.
I agree with you about Kerri Walsh and Misty May – what a run they’ve had!
YES! Jay and Dan! I was so glad to see them as themselves!!
I found Jay wound a bit tight during Vancouver.
Baba Wawa! Hahaha! so true!
Love the olympics too but I was starting to get bored by the end of it. The men in boats were all ridiculously hot. I loved the messy ponytails! But that’s because I was a ball player and we always had messy ponytails! My favourite part was actually american…sorry…but I loved with Kerri Walsh and Misty Mae won thier gold. Kerri was totally overcome – that was the end of their partnership but they had achieved all of this together …and now they just want to hang out as girlfriends. So supportive of each other – so genuine. I love those two!
what’s with the men in the boats? they’re all pretty handsome, non? 😉
i have to admit, i was starting to get a little tired of brian williams with his almost baba wawa type questioning but my highlights were always jay onrait and dan o’toole. those guys are da bomb!
Love the Olympics. The moments that make up the games. Sometimes the expected is underwhelming. Mens basketball. and sometimes it’s spectacular. Usain Bolt. The ups and down thrill me and take me for the ride. i scream in joy. I gasp at falls. I whisper go go GO GO!!!
I want to yell to the roof tops. 3rd…IN THE WORLD!! (Brent Hayden 50mFR swim) or 5th…IN THE WORLD! (Damian Warner Decathalon) Remarkable achievements in a sea dominated by the machines of stars and stripes and communist red. Always so proud of our don’t-ever-have-to-apologize athletes. Getting to the Olympics is a monumental achievement. Being on your game, on the world stage in front of millions if not billions is simply Olympic.