On the weekend, Will and I went to see Rise of the Guardians. I’m not going to lie – I had about zero interest in seeing it and I thought it looked a bit scary for him BUT he wanted to see it and I figured I’d get an hour of silence and some popcorn intake out of it. There wasn’t much that he wanted to do this weekend that I didn’t indulge.
It was a beautiful movie and all the more meaningful with the events of Friday’s Newtown shooting so etched in our heads. Watch the trailer… then we’ll talk…
If you missed it, Santa says this, pretty much in the first five minutes.. It is our job to protect the children of the world. For as long as they believe in us, we will guard them with our lives.
I’m fairly sure every parent in the theatre drew their breath in. I silently wept under my 3-D glasses. Where were you Guardians on Friday?? I wish I believed that you did exist.
The whole movie revolves around believing in goodness and joy and keeping the boogeyman at bay by just believing. I know it’s utterly simplistic, but I started to realize that I need to go back to the way I was as a child. When I was a kid who believed in Santa and the Easter Bunny, I didn’t know that a brain tumour could take away my mother or that someone could walk into a school and obliterate a class of babies in a matter of seconds with one gun.
I’m not suggesting walking around in a state of innocence like say Elf, but I am saying that as senseless as that shooting was;as horrific as all the children being butchered and starved in some African countries is; as devastating as losing someone you love can be…the world is still a pretty amazing place if you believe and you don’t let the boogeyman cause you to fear everything. We have to or else how do we go on?
Maybe we all just need to look through the eyes of a four year-old in 3-D glasses to remember it.
Good post, lady. Indeed, we can’t walk around in a state of fear all the time.. otherwise, the bad guys win. You’ve just got to live the hell out of things, and love the hell out of everyone… that’s a good plan. 🙂
I haven’t seen this yet but I like that they guard hope, fun, wonder, etc. Sometimes it’s hard to put our fears aside but we must. Great post Sara.
i guess we have to know that bad things will happen but we have to believe in humanity. i can’t live and let my girls grow up being scared all of the time…life is for living, not wasting it being afraid.
i wish there were real guardians, too…
I saw it before Friday and cried…you have to believe…or as my Chickie says…you have to believe to receive