Read this next sentence really, really, really, fast.
Holy shit. I need to to get a pedicure, go the to grocery store, pick up the kid, go to swim class, make a frittata, clean the bathroom, have a shower, meet friends for dinner, go to sleep.
Is it just me or is EVERYTHING just spinning at a frenetic pace all of a sudden? This was highlighted to me this weekend after (WARNING – first world problems about to be unveiled) I had a 15 minute pedicure and a Timmy’s screw up.
Let’s be honest, 15 minutes isn’t enough time to shave off half of my revolting foot callous. I actually giggled through the whole thing because it was so ridiculous. Dude, what is the rush? Some things in life should be slow….pedicures, massages, dinners….. And before you ask, of course I paid AND tipped him because I am Canadian. (But I’ll never go back).
Then I go to Tim’s to grab breakfast for the kid and me. I order and before I even pay, my bagel is waiting. It’s of course not really cooked and is missing 3 of the 5 things that I asked for on it – BUT hey it was fast and that’s what’s important. Right? Wrong. Slow down people. You don’t have to be that fast. To top it off, I had to go back twice after that to get it right.
If I had one wish, after ending child poverty and having Bradley Cooper wake me up every morning with a coffee, it would be to live somewhere where life moves at a wayyyy slower pace. Where the emphasis is on enjoying the process, breathing, talking to your neighbours.
A few years ago, I broke my ankle and instead of playing basketball, I took a meditation course. My friends immediately noticed a difference. I don’t actively meditate anymore but I do use some of the tools I learned to slow myself and my brain down when I find things moving too fast. Early this morning, I took my first ride on my ‘new’ stationary bike and spent five minutes after meditating. Just sitting, breathing and being quiet. In this crazy world, it was pretty dreamy. I suggest you try it. Go on. Go.
Next time they race through my order at Timmy’s and eff it up, I’m going to suggest we all have a three minute meditation together to slow it down…..
I love that video Carlo – esp the bubbles…
The gov’t of Australia agrees with you …
Although the final message is not to speed, the broader message is to just take it easy