Who knew! Today is National Honesty Day. Apparently we’re going to be celebrating how honest Presidents Lincoln and Washington were and just tell the truth!
Here’s a thought. Shouldn’t we expect the President to always tell the truth? You know like Clinton when he said – ” I did not have sexual intercourse with that woman” – oops bad example.
Shouldn’t WE always tell the truth? I know – I’m killing you aren’t I.
But in the spirit of National Honesty Day, allow me to lay a few truths out there that I may fib about every now and then…
a. My kid eats in front of the tv. Like every night. Sorry but after a day at work and school, we don’t want to have meaningful convos about who pooped on the potty or what I ate for lunch. We just want to watch the goddamned Octonauts.
b. In the past year, I have been asked out by a couple of people who I just wasn’t interested in. I said it was a timing issue. It wasn’t. Shoot me.
c. While I did not lie about my chip and fry intake last week…I will lie this week because I had McDonalds twice on the weekend. I almost grossed myself out.
d. I told Will the Chimpanzee movie was actually NOT playing yesterday because there wasn’t a theatre available. Truth? I was too hungover to contemplate what it would take to get us to the theatre.
e. I met Hanson. I said I was a fan. I’m not really – but they’re hot. Sue me.
f. My sister got me a bag of Aero bubbles for my birthday. I lied to myself. I brought them to work saying I’ll share them with everyone and not eat them all myself. BS. They’re in my drawer.
g. When Will helped me blow out my birthday candles, he wished that all the princesses would come to our house. He said ‘isn’t that a great wish’ – I said sure but unless Ryan Gosling was in one of those princess dresses…we were not on the same page. So no kid – crappy wish.
You get the picture…. Now it’s your turn. Own up – what have you been lying about lately?
Remember this flick….perfect…
I need to lie more
I would have more friends.
I just told my daughter I was HAPPY to help her with her homework….?????
Please be proud of me…I just gave away my chocolate balls….
And I love you grumble…and Christine that’s NEVER TMI!
Hahahahahahaaaaa…. you kill me, Christine!
I tell the children the ice cream store is closed. All the time.
PS – my kids eat in front of the tv almost every single night… is that bad? *snickers* and I eat at McDonalds probably twice a week. So you’re in pretty good company, I reckon. (And we’re both going to hell.)
Last week I told Sean I was going to the gym, and instead I went to our local raw food bar and ate a meal sized salad and read a magazine for an hour.
I have also may have once or twice maybe lied about my period if I didn’t want to have sex. Is that TMI? oh well…
how about “nothing is wrong” 🙂