I love the moon. It fascinates me. Don’t misunderstand me – I don’t want to travel there. I have no interest in getting in a shuttle and gathering some moon rocks. I’m pretty happy to just sit on my porch and have a good look.
I also feel that my moods are pretty lunar driven. As someone said yesterday that’s why they call it lunar – it’s like LOONEY. Well right now, we’re in the build up to Saturday night’s supermoon! From what I gather – it happens when the moon is closest to the earth and it coincides with a full moon so it looks MASSIVE and very bright.
I’m totally hoping that my week of full on bitchy’ness has been brought on by the supermoon. Before you laugh, think about it. How was your week? I’ll tell you – just last night I was at the park with a friend and she said she was a right bitch the whole week. Then we saw another mom across the street – she yelled that she wasn’t coming to the park because she was too grumpy and having a bad week! (Here’s a hint for your guys and your park trips…we say is it ‘plastic cup night’ – meaning ….who is bringing the wine along with the snacks for kids. Last night? BIG plastic cup night!). It’s a moon driven bitch fest I tell you!!!!
What do you guys think? Does the moon affect you and your moods or do you think I’m talking hooey??? Oh and if you think my lunar thinking is a steaming pile of crap….you’ll probably think I’m nuts for being excited to have my friend Lori read my cards tonight!!! (But for the rest of you…. I’ll totally report back next week!!!) Oh and if you can’t wait? Meet me on my front porch Saturday night where I’ll be watching the mood and bidding adieu to my crap ass mood!
Sorry about the crap wine in the plastic cup… next full moon- better wine and more snacks for the kiddies! It is a Full Moon Crazy Mom Date!
It’s been hairy around here… I feel you, lady. And the moon, for that matter. I’m a believer, yo. Can I get an AMEN?!