Tuesday morning the kids were all up extra early. Showered. Fed a hearty bacon and egg breakfast.
Dressed in the outfits that they had taken great care to choose for the very exciting first day of school.
Cam bounded out the door at 7:45am to catch his bus.
Sean and I took Cuyler and Eva to school early so they could reconnect with friends and find their lineups.
It was a great day.
After school they were all chittering about their favourite part of their new grade/teacher/friends.
They were all in bed at a reasonable time now that school’s back.
Yesterday my alarm went off at 6:45am. I rolled out of bed at 7 and hopped in the shower.
Then I went downstairs, let the dog out, made myself a coffee and enjoyed the first few sips in the quiet of the house.
Then I realized that it was 7:35. They were all still in bed. Ahhhh…
My morning bliss lasted only for a minute. I realized that Cam needed to leave for the bus in 10 minutes and he was still fast asleep.
I totally forgot that he needed to be up earlier than the others to catch his bus.
We’re in that weird space between summer and school. The routine that is required for school is difficult to establish when we’re still in the mindset of summer. Sleeping in. Staying up late. Not making lunches. Not catching buses.
Last night the street was still full of kids until after dark. My gang didn’t get into bed until after well after 9pm.
I didn’t care. Before we know it the sun will be setting at dinner time and we’ll be pining for days like these.
The only thing I’ll worry about for now is getting my boy up in time to catch the bus.
How do you find this transition back to school?
If I didn’t love it so much, I would loathe this time of year SO HARD. Cranky in the morning… cranky when they get home… oy.