Walking through the mall yesterday, I bumped into a friend that I hadn’t seen in awhile.
She asked if I was ready for school to start.
I replied “Y’know I could really do with another week or two at home with them.”
“Did you just say that?” she asked with wide eyes.
“I did…”
I meant it, too.
I recently had a scare with a breast lump and the worry followed me through the summer. After a mammo, an ultrasound and an appointment with a surgeon last Friday I am happy to report that all is well.
That worry is no longer weighing on me I am grateful for every simple day.
I am loving the lazy, hazy days of summer with my gang.
Our summer started off on an incredibly tragic note, now I am just really enjoying all my blessings.
Not sweating the small stuff. Not taking anything for granted.
Cuyler had a phenomenal theatre camp experience and our family getaway was something that summer memories are made of.
The kids are a little older and a little more self sufficient so that could be why I don’t feel as worn out by this time as in previous years.
I’m not counting down the days and to be honest, until two days ago I thought we had another week after this. I was kinda bummed when I realized that they go back next Tuesday.
So, no. I don’t want the kids to go back to school on Tuesday.
I want to do more of this
and this
and this
and this
and this
I don’t want this summer to end.
I’ll just take that as a sign that it was a good one.
I feel the same way! I love summer and being with the kids. While I also enjoy the predictability and routine of September I wish summer was 3 months long.
Good for you, lady – summer is for smiling… looks like you all did lots of that. (And I’m so glad there’s nothing more to your scare! PHEW!!)