Each year I make a list of intentions. Not resolutions.
Intentions. That way I have an out if I don’t meet the goal. I fully intended to but…
- Get more in control of our budget
Meh…I didn’t do such a great job on that one.
- Take better care of myself
Meh…I didn’t do such a great job on that one, either. I started off 2012 chock full of vitamins, minerals and good intentions then slowly started forgetting to take them.
I just dusted them off to check expiration dates and thought perhaps I could give that one another go this year. I did manage to stay gluten free though! - Hire a house cleaner
Yes! That task was complete…but I may have to revisit it this year.
Two from my 2011 list – increase my fitness and read a book.
The fitness one I’m leaving that vague. Just increase my activity level to more than what I’ve been doing lately which is SQUAT (and by “squat” I mean nothing – not squats).
I can feel it. I can see it. My body is just craving for me to kick it up a notch and simply start moving more.
Read a book is just that – read a book. Specifically The Birth House by Ami McKay.
I had my eye out for the book after reading an online review of it and found a copy for $2.
That was in October. It remains unopened on my nightstand. I intend to read it before the summer. That’s loads of time. Right?
I really want to make an effort to get away with Sean this year. The last time we traveled together was about 8 years ago. We likely won’t be able to get AWAY away, but a weekend away would do just fine. Perhaps a quick trip in May to celebrate our anniversary with some crazy Americans we met on our honeymoon (and became lifelong friends with when we blew their minds with how much we knew about the U.S. and taught them all they needed to know about Canada – loonies, toonies and poutine!)
Getting the house in order is my big one though.
It’s something that I know needs to be done.
We have a finished basement with tons of storage space. I am just itching to get into the 3 storage rooms down there and purge. Literally throw everything out. We have accumulated so much crap over the past 15 years (and 5 houses).
I cannot organize the house with all of this stuff in it, so stuff must go.
Clean house, clean mind. That’s the goal.
What’s on your list? What do you intend to do this year?
The Birth House is an amazing book, educational, heartbreaking, enlightening. I’ve read it twice. You can do leg lifts while you are reading
i like intentions, not resolutions. that being said i guess i still have to make some! 🙂
to get through things, hard stuff, easy stuff, goals, more parties, more fun, more more more life!
I like the idea of you and Sean away. DO IT!!!!
*now* (Uch, my nails are too long…)
Sounds like a good list, lady. I LOVE purging things (you know that’s my favourite) and oh, how I wish I could help you!!
This year, I intend to read more and to write more. No, GO read your book!! xox