Each morning the kids religiously scroll thorugh the tv guide looking to see what holiday show will be on that night. The dvr is filling up quickly.
We’ve watched them all – The Grinch, Frosty the Snowman, Frosty Returns, Santa Claus is Coming to Town…
I vividly remembering watching the very same specials when I was their age. I remember how the excitement for Christmas built up and I’m seeing that same anticipation in my own kids. It’s remarkable.
Cuyler checks the date on each program and he is fascinated that many of them were made before I was born. I’m kinda fascinated by that myself.
Eva is becoming impatient waiting for the Elf on the Shelf special to come on. Her wait will finally end Friday night.
We’ve been watching Arthur’s Perfect Christmas on a regular basis
We’ve been watching Arthur’s Perfect Christmas on a regular basis

This is one of my favourite holiday tv specials to watch with the kids. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because we’ve been watching it since the boys were babies and it brings me back to that time.
One of my favourie tv specials to watch sans enfants is the SNL Christmas special.
Delicious Dish? Schweddy Balls, anyone? Nobody can resist.

The only other thing that makes me laugh as much is a Griswold Family Christmas. No question – National Lampoons Christmas Vacation is a must watch at our house.

Delicious Dish? Schweddy Balls, anyone? Nobody can resist.

The only other thing that makes me laugh as much is a Griswold Family Christmas. No question – National Lampoons Christmas Vacation is a must watch at our house.

Oh and Elf! Yes, Elf makes me laugh as much and it’s a movie that we can watch with the kids. It is becoming another annual Christmas tradition in our house. I guess we’re just bunch of cotton headed ninny muggins…

The other movie we watch every year is the Polar Express. The first time I watched this movie I was a little put off by the motion capture characters…they creeped me out. Once I got past that, the rest of the movie captured me.
One other tradition we have is Sean insisting on putting White Christmas on and then falling asleep about halfway through. He’s yet to see the ending. I look forward to that once again happening this year.

The other movie we watch every year is the Polar Express. The first time I watched this movie I was a little put off by the motion capture characters…they creeped me out. Once I got past that, the rest of the movie captured me.

What are your favourite tv specials/movies at this time of year?
What are your kids favourites?
A Christmas Story – yes!
I watched that one with Cam last year. I think it’s going to be one of his favourites because he asked to watch it with me again already this year! I love building these traditions with my kids. It’s building memories!
The Alastair Sim version is also my favourite. Again, I think that I lean toward that one because it’s the one I watched with my mum every Christmas Eve growing up.
Ummm….my 7 year old daughter just may have watched half of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. In our defense, it was towards the end of a 16 hour road trip and we were running out of more appropriate selections.
Ha! I wondered at what age do we share our favourites that aren’t so appropriate for little ones. Cam wants to watch Christmas Vacation with us this year. Is 11 ok for that?
Can we still be friends if I admit that I have never seen Love Actually?
I searched it on the guide and have set it up to record tomorrow night. I’ll be sure to watch it. It seems to be a favourite among many. Now I need to know what I’ve missed!!
We’ve watched Elf already, and we always watch A Christmas Carol – I usually like the Alistar Sim version, but the newish Disney version (Jim Carrey) is really good and we will watch that together as well. I always need to watch The Sound of Music and White Christmas, but I’ll probably be alone with those. Oh, and of course Love Actually!
It’s a wonderful life on Christmas Eve always
The Grinch
Polar Express
Miracle on 34 th street ( the original!)
A Christmas Dtory
I love this post, Christine. We’ve watched Elf and Grinch. My husband and I will watch It’s a Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve as we finish the wrapping. I actually shared the SNL Schweddy Balls skit with my 13 year old son this year. It was one of those milestones that they don’t include in the baby book, but it felt kind of momentous!
I almost wrote the same post! Will and I have spent the last two nights getting in our jammies and watching specials! The Grinch last night and my all time fave Santa Claus Is Coming To Town on Monday…. I love all those stop action ones. Rudolph etc. Little Drummer Boy….
Such good memories! Movies though it’s for sure Love Actually. (I’ll be watching xmas eve) and The Family Stone sniffffff. I want to see Bad Santa this year – I never have! Or the whole thing of Elf either!