My tree was down January 2nd. But the outside decor is a different story.
Last night I saw that our Christmas lights are the only ones still lit on on our street. An indication that is it time to pull the plug for another year. As much as I am resisting the end of the season, I know it’s time.
<sniff sniff>
Any other holdouts out there? Do you hang on to the season for as long as you can or do you pack it away as soon as the holidays are over?
I personally leave the main lights up year round, but just don’t plug them in because they are on the 2nd story and I can’t get up there.
You need to come out to the West where the people of Ukranian descent keep their lights, etc. on until at least Orthodox Christmas (Jan 7 this year). And for some reason, lots of people in my ‘hood still have their houses aglow even now.
My outside lights are still up but only because a) we’ve been away and b) we are seriously lazy. Especially in January rain.
Oh dude… I’m looking at my sagging tree, and I believe today is the day for the undoing. I’ve been putting away some of the smaller bits around the house, sitting on tables, and in the bathroom and stuff, but the tree… *le sighs* It’s still so pretty. I love gazing at it from my bed at night. I wish it could stay longer. Poop.
Your house sure looks lovely, lady!!
we only have our tree up because the only time to get rid of it is next week! might as well keep it up. mind you it will be a christmas stick by the time i undecorate it and the needles all shoot off the branches 🙂