How much time do you spend each day dealing with skin care? I had bad skin as a teenager and it continued into adulthood. It took me a while to understand how to take care of my skin. Now in my mid-40s I’ve noticed significant change in how my skin looks and feels. All that stuff you read in magazines about as how your skin changes as you get older? It’s soooo true. I wish I had paid more attention to that information when I was younger. Especially the whole wear sunscreen mantra. If I could tell my younger self something now…it would be to wear sunscreen and start taking care of your skin when you’re younger.
Recently I walked in Sephora. They had one of those machines that does facial assessments and this is what shocked me… (it’s a little scary, so turn your eyes if you can’t handle it) —->
I met with Robin White, Global Representative for Philosophy, at the launch of the company’s most recent innovation, TIME IN A BOTTLE. As a busy working mother who is travelling non-stop, she knows more than a thing or two about being pressed for time especially in the mornings. “Us moms, we tend to put ourselves at the bottom of the to-do list, right?” says White. “We’ve got to deal with the kids, the house, the job and when we finally get time for ourselves we start prioritizing on what needs to be taken care of first and we know we need to be efficient about it.”
Robin is 50. Her skin is flawless and I think of course, she’s got access to some of the best skin care experts in the world. But she has little time like most of us. She can totally relate.
TIME IN A BOTTLE is made of a high-potency vitamin c8 activator, one of the newer and most efficient forms of Vitamin C. It works in synergy with the DNA renewal complex to offer significant protection of cells agains free radicals.
But it’s not just for aging skin like mine. In fact, it’s never too late or too early to start taking care of your skin. Whether it’s visible or not yet visible, I’d say ladies start now! I know I look young for my age but I’ve got dark brown sunspots that are appearing and a few wrinkles starting around my eyes…I call them smile lines. 🙂
I’ve been testing out TIME IN A BOTTLE for the past month. I am noticing a texture change. Smoother skin, pores are smaller and my skin feels firmer. I’m not one to fuss over my skin regime. I don’t have time. So, I’ve been cleansing with Philosophy’s Miracle Worker Lactic Acid Cleanser & Mask before using TIME IN A BOTTLE. And then using my 45SPF sunscreen.
When it comes to the brown spots and wrinkling, I’m going to go back to get my facial assessment in a few months of using TIME IN A BOTTLE to see if there are any noticeable changes.
So, it’s about time. Let’s face it, none of us have enough time to do everything we want to do. Life is too short to worry about your skin.
TIME IN A BOTTLE is currently available at Sephora locations across Canada & U.S.
This post is not sponsored, nor was I compensated. I am often provided products for review purposes. Experience and opinions are my own. If you’re interested in a skin assessment check with your nearest Sephora location for dates.
Good for you for being so brave and aware of what you can do to start repairing.
Oh yes, girl… you have to take care of your skin! Sunscreen for everyone!! (PS – that skin-machine-photo-assessment-thingie looks tres scary!)