I told you about my out of town guest sending me a note regarding my birthday saying “Surprise. I am coming” I did not know she was even considering coming all the way from Vancouver. And she was going to stay with us.
A few days later she said she was sorry that she didn’t ask permission and that she was descending on us for the whole weekend. She said she could give us ‘space’ for as much of the weekend as we needed. Her WASP side kicked in.
I couldn’t respond to her quickly enough. Space? I dont want space. I told her this is how I want my life- door open, people in and out, visitors, walls bulging at the seams. I was so thrilled about it.
These are the gifts an out of town guest bring –
-you see your beautiful life through their eyes. And you love it again.
-you see your family and friends through their eyes and you remember why you are so lucky.
She said to me regarding a few of my newer (the last 10 years) friends who she came to know over the weekend “Where did you find these people? They are amazing.” Yes.
– you don’t do any work all weekend. I hid all my to-do files under the chair in the living room.
-you cook a little better than you normally do.
My favourite thing this last week was my out of town guest. I got to see my life again through her eyes.
love this picture!!!! Hope Tracey feels the same after we descend on her next weekend!!!!
What a wonderful thing, Village – I’m so happy you’re enjoying yourself so hard!!! xox
xoxoxoxo to you gidget
I had the BEST time ever with you and your daughters and your family and your friends. Thank you so much, your Vancouver buddy xoxo