My circumstances as of late have made shopping a bit of a task. For starters I have two kids now one of which is a newborn. I have yet to attempt a solo Target trip with both of them because honestly they would fill the cart, where would I put my items? Secondly it’s the middle of winter here in the Midwest and while it’s not as cold as say Canada, it’s still pretty nippy considering how long it takes to buckle and unbuckle them. Also since we are in the process of moving my husband is gone during the week so it’s not as if I can just go when he gets home from work.
My point is getting out is a time consuming task that must be very well thought out and planned. There are no more willy-nilly-lets-jump-in-the-car errands. In light of this I’m becoming more of an internet shopper. Here are a couple of sites that are making it easier for me to keep my house stocked with the necessities.
Don’t let the name fool you, they sell a lot more than diapers. You can basically get anything and everything you could possibly need for baby right here in one place. Even better is spending over $49 automatically gets you free 1-2 day shipping. That’s basically overnight people. You can be like me and realize you are down to a handful diapers and still order and have them before a crisis ensues. If you order anything from their sister site you can get free shipping after $25. I also like the fact that I can purchase all my bulky items like diapers, laundry soap and toilet paper and it just magically appears at my front door so I don’t have to haul it out of the store.
This is a fairly new site by the founders of and Kidcrawl monitors the price as well as reviews of popular baby products online. I use it mainly to see who has diapers at the cheapest price. Much easier than driving all over town or individually checking all the online retailers.
Ebates is a large online shopping retailer that earns a commission from participating retailers for every sale. When you shop through their links you get part of the commission. So, umm yeah, you go and spend money and you get money in return. I don’t know about you but I like getting money. Ebates has a huge selection of retailers and it’s super easy to use. All you have to do is sign up for an account and then when you want to shop online simply log in to ebates and click through to your desired retailer, they take care of the rest.
In addition to saving time and hassle I’ve also found that these two sites help me save some money. So tell me, what tools do you use to make your shopping easier?
Oh wow..there’s an idea! I’ll definitely check it out. Thanks!
Oh, there’s usually service where I shop at IGA and another smaller grocery store called PA. It’s cost effective, given I’m not spending on gas or parking, etc. which makes it all wicked-convenient. Hope that helps!
How do you get your groceries delivered Tracey?
I do some online shopping too – from groceries to The Gap – delivered to my door? In the winter?! That’s the BEST thing EVER!! (And since I don’t drive, I have my groceries delivered a lot of the time anyway.)
I think I need a driver.