I have distinct memories of my mom explaining how to write a letter when I was a kid. She required I do this around the holidays every year at card-sending time (we have a lot of overseas relatives.) I had no idea what to write, and although she helped me out with some prompts, I never got into it. Naturally, these weren’t very interesting one-sided conversations, for me and probably for the reader too.
I wish she’d found this excellent DIY hug craft instead. It contains little text, but a LOT of heart. And isn’t that really the point of sending a letter, anyway? Here’s a 5 step how-to.
You’ll need:
-Two different patterns/colours of wrapping paper or construction paper
-MarkersStep 1: Get your kid to trace both their left and right hands on the piece of construction paper. Cut them both out.
Step 2: Do the same for three hearts—trace or free draw three hearts on the paper, two small and one big.
Step 3: Cut two horizontal slits on each edge of both hand prints and the hearts to thread the ribbon through.
Step 4: Thread the ribbon through the cut outs so it’s behind the shape. The shapes should be threaded on in this order—hand, heart, heart, heart, hand. Knot or tie off the ribbon at each end.
Step 5: Write a message on the back side of the middle heart, fold it up and put it in an envelope. The final step is to put it in the mail!
Idea inspire by EvolvingMotherhood.com
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