My kids are done with camp for the rest of the summer, and now we’re just… hanging out.
I took them to a movie yesterday… we had pizza out on the town the day before that. It’s going to be much of the same for the next bunch of weeks before school starts, which isn’t all bad. I have things I still need to do – and there’s all the writing I need to do (and that I enjoy) that I’m trying to find time to do while they’re here, but it’s nearly impossible, since they’re all up in mah grille all the time, talking to me and asking me things. (Not to mention the bits of bickering, the sassing, and all the tom-foolery.) Of course, the little minions get restless.
Me: Do you want to go to the museum today?
He: Nah…
Me: Would you like to see the glass exhibit downtown? It’s really funky… I think you’ll dig it…
She: Maybe tomorrow, we can?
Me: Well, what would you like to do today?
He: Can we get a treat at the bakery and then come home and just jump around in the bed while you take pictures, please?
Me: Fine. Whatever you want, my darlings.
And so we did just that, and they spent half the day giggling their guts out. It doesn’t sound like much, but it’s become one of their favourite things to do. And it’s not a bad way to spend an afternoon, I reckon. With wetting-their-pants-laughing kids romping around in your bed, I mean.
They have both really grown. They’re browner from the summer sun… longer limbs, longer hair… and he always seems to be missing a tooth.
And they spend nearly all of their time together, tete-a-tete. I hear him say, “Come sit here, honey… you do it like this…” when he’s explaining something to her.
He’s a darling, really.
And she is ferocious.
(Except when she’s not… because she oh, how loves him.)
And they’re just… on me. All the time.
This is my life. It’s not terrible.
There’s no sense trying to fight any of this… this time is not mine – it’s ours.
(And who would have thought our time would come with THIS much hair?!)
Take photos of your summer, people – get close to your subjects, and let the natural light of a sunny window help you.
It’ll all be over before we know it. *sniff*
Your pictures are not worth a thousand words…they are absolutely priceless. Thank you for sharing.
Thank YOU for saying so, Jennifer!! 🙂
Your time? Is gorgeous, delightful, and making me grin. And I must add, that one is suspiciously sassy-looking.
They’re BOTH sassy. Holy crap, I’m in so much trouble, Alice…
The time certainly does fly by in a hurry, doesn’t it, Village? Shucks.
And then they’ll grow up, and have little ones of their own, and they’ll say to their little ones “do you want to go visit grandma”, and the answer will always be “YES!”, because nobody on the planet is more awesome than grandma. And the love you created, will grow into something more beautiful than you can imagine.
Grow they will, Jim… sniff… but let’s hope that GRANDMA stage doesn’t come for another 20 years. PLEASE!!
That’s not for me to say, but I wouldn’t give the matter too much thought if I were you, except when you have thoughts of “It’ll all be over soon.”
🙂 Thanks, you. xox