Man do I love a good storm. Seriously. Okay I have friends who have been evacuated from their homes in the States …so that’s a bit much. But bring on some non-hurricane rain and wind and I’m all over it.
I’m trying to figure out if Will is the same. He has a fascinating trait with storms though. When he was in utero, he hardly ever moved. I never had that, ‘come here, come here, the baby is kicking.’ Just like his soccer coach will attest, the boy is a bit lazy. But when there was a storm, that kid flipped and flopped like a flounder.
And now? Well it’s the same. Last night was incredible. Normally, he’s out cold by 8pm. At 8pm last night, I was out…(there might have been a ridiculously late hot tub party the night before). At 8:30, he comes padding down the hall. “Mom. My alligator is in your room. I’m not tired. Let’s have a tickle fight. I need a drink. Let’s read more books.” I was in no mood to humour him so after 45 minutes, I let him hop in with me.

The rest of the night sounds much like Heather’s. He was everywhere. At one point I woke up with two tiny little feet in my face. (Note to self – clip toenails tonight). Full 180 degree spin. I’m anticipating tonight will be much of the same. Hmm how tightly can you tuck someone into bed? (how I miss the crib days…)
I’ll let you know in the am.
What about you guys? Storm lovers? Oh and someone tell me what the hell the rain policy is on trick or treating? Can we just skip the costume, throw on a raincoat and say he’s a dude from Deadliest Catch??
I live on the west coast (Vancouver area) and so as a kid my mom always made sure our costumes would be able to have warm layers underneath because it seems to almost always be rainy on Halloween (this year is not looking good either!).
An option if you don’t want to cover up an awesome costume with a full rain jacket is to get one of those clear ponchos. Get a cheap one and cut it to size for the little kids. Or maybe you can find a kid sized one???
Throw on some rubber boots and warm layers underneath (I’m assuming he’s not going in a skimpy costume?!?! lol) and you should be good to go!!!
My kids love a good storm..when we’re at home together. And they sleep through everything. Thank goodness! It’s me that gets all worried! Ugh! With the old trees in the front yard and such. Scary. And for Halloween? My kids have decided that we’re going to stay in if it’s nasty out. My older one is on the verge not going anymore anyway. And the little guy just follows along. But we’ll have a fun night creating “sick” food.
I don’t even know what to do about the trick-or-treating-during-extreme-rain part. I think I’ll just play it by ear, but I’m going to wait to buy the candy until Wednesday, just in case – I don’t want to be left with a mountain of the stuff!!