Basking on the beach. Playing in creeks. Roasting hot dog wieners and marshmallows. Doing a wholelotta nothing. We were unplugged for the most part – no cable. Very limited internet. Forced time together and I loved every second of it.
- Vacation 2013
- Beach frisbee
- Watching the kids from his perch
- Climbing the Monster Tree
- Hanging out with the Monster Tree
- Checking out the Monster Tree
- Wading in the creek
- Perfectly roasted. Perfectly gooey.
- A deliciously sticky mess
- Songs by the campfire
- Breakfast together. Every morning
- Chillin in the hammock
- Exploring
- More exploring
When we weren’t doing a wholelotta nothing, we were having an epic adventure down the road at Blue Mountain. You’ll read about that soon!
Great photos!
what a fab looking vacay!
Looks awesome Christine!
Looks like a blast!!
Looks wonderful! Love the photo gallery!