My little dumpling turned three yesterday, and I can’t believe how quickly this time is flying. Holy smokes… it’s all becoming a bit of a blur.
She went from this:
To this:
On Thursday, I asked her what she’d like for her birthday. She said, “Edamame. And Dumplings. And Swedish berries.”
I said, “Hey, Ava Scarlett… are you THREE years old??!”
She took her thumb out of her mouth and whispered, “O-most…” She smiled her fool head off.
She’s sassy. She’s talkative. She’s generous. Her laugh is explosive – it rises from deep in the belly, and she throws her head back and lets it all out when she does. She does this a lot, which I guess makes her a happy kid. This makes me smile.
She has grown!
I talk a big game about her being the devil (with sharp, pointy horns) and a complete terrorist (and believe me, she can be all of these things – YES!) but in truth, she’s a lovely little girl and we completely adore her.
I made two dozen cupcakes for her preschool party. I made a cake for the house, and invited a couple of neighbour-friends over to say hello and sing Happy Birthday. It wasn’t much of a party, but she was thrilled. That’s the goal, right?
We sang the song, and my eyes blurred with tears… I could barely choke the words out without my voice breaking, the sentiment of the song… it’s words, caught on a sob. It’s the third time we’ve sang it to her. The second time we sang it… well, it feels like it was just a short moment ago. Time flies.
That I get to mother this child… it blows me away. And I must admit – being a mother to a girl is pretty terrific – I’m having a blast dressing her and stuff.
I wonder what she’ll grow to become… but I’ll take her pint-sized self for as long as she stays small. I hope she has her happiest year yet.
She is impetuous. She is devilish. She is a pistol. Oh my god, you guys… she’s ME, only she’s twice as smart and three times as cute. (We are in SO much trouble…)
She’s not a baby – she’s a small girl. She’s got lots of words and sass and cuteness and curiosity and balls. I need to photograph the dimples in her elbows before they’re gone forever.
It’s a blur, I tell you. *sniff*
Those dimples… yes… thanks for reminding ME!! Oy, I suck…
She’s gorgeous. And hilarious.
But seriously. Dimples in the elbows?
I’d forgotten that.
Thanks for reminding me.
Thank you so much!! 🙂
I know – no more baby… *sniff* I’m trying to remember to “savour” rather than “choke it down” some days though – I’m not gonna lie…
YES you can be her agent – if you can get her to obey you. I tried with my son around this age – he wasn’t having any of it – no thank you!! But I’d gladly let you have a crack at her, Sara…!! I’d give anything to hear our kids laughing their guts out together.
your daughter is stunningly gorgeous! wow! happy birthday baby! my youngest turns 3 this april, and i do feel like we are in our last few months of babyhood. i love that you are savouring every delicious moment of this experience! love and hugs.
omg – can I be her agent please. She is SO beautiful – and so was your pregnant belly lady!! Happy Birthday Ava Scarlett…I need to get you together with my Will…it would be a gut laughing howl!
It really does, Grandma Pat…
Julie – me too! I think I might, actually!!
Thanks Erin! I shot a whole series from that tutu-wearing day… I love a bunch of them. (Come to think of it, I should really frame some.) She wears me out, but in a good way. I suppose I’ll keep her… xox
I just adore you back, Elizabeth! Thanks for the wishes for our mini… and that open-mouthed pic was shot by my sister… feels like yesterday. Wowza.
Laura, you Sweet Thing! All I can say about this whole interracial thing is that genetics are CRAZY and you never know what can happen… but it’s usually pretty good. Heh.
So, when’s the baby coming, hmmmm?
Thank you Ann!! Here’s hoping there might be less yelling this year. From either of us. 😉
Aw schucks, time does fly!
i want to print the pink fluffy picture and hang it on my wall! 🙂 happy birthday to ava scarlett and happy birthing day to you!
A beautiful and moving tribute to a beautiful little girl, from her gorgeous mama.
Happy Birthday Ava Scarlett (I love her name too).
Love the photos too, especially the laughing tutu one!
oh, t — she is so gorgeous, as are you. I love the picture up top with both of you open-mouthed. adorable.
this is a lovely little tribute to your girl. I love how you say, it’s the third time we’ve sung it to her.
i just adore you. happy birthday to your little madame and to you, pretty mama.
If I were a lesbian, not only would I want to marry you, I would also want to mother your daughter – she is so-stinking-cute, and sounds like she has an awesome personality too.
On another note, I’m in an interracial (African/European) marriage and everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) keeps saying they can’t wait for us to have a baby because biracial babies are so GORGEOUS. (oh, the pressure! just please let me conceive the innocent child before i have to worry about fulfilling this biracial-beauty-prophecy!) I do hope our babies are really beautiful because otherwise I will be blaming YOU for raising people’s expectations by having such stunning babes.
Happy Birthday Ava Scarlett! Your momma done good.
She’s Beautiful, Love the picture of her looking out with her boots on! I love the cake too 🙂 I came to visit…Via Ann Rants @Twitter
You make such beauty–the girl, the clothes, even the gifts (!)–but most importantly the MOMENTS.
Happy Birthday to all of you.gfvb