Despite the weather and the crazy slushy crap that fell out of the sky all night and me having to shovel the heavy, wet snow, today was a good day.
It started off at 4:00 a.m. yep. with little guy talking in his sleep and hubby coughing. Awesome. But I’ve learned to not fight it. I always figure I’d make it up the next night.
Couldn’t find little guy’s snow pants for the life of me. “Oh well..just don’t fall in any wet snow, ” I said sarcastically and off he went. As we sloshed our way to school I realized he had a lunch date with a friend. Perfect.
It’s a good day for that.
Back home to shovel…grrr. I started to wonder where were all those nice construction dudes that have so kindly offered to help shovel after the previous snowfalls? *batting non-existing eyelashes* Oh well.
After shovelling and not breaking a nail, I wrote up a review about the amazing documentary on Jiro Dreams of Sushi, and with that thought… off to lunch at my favourite spot The Sushi Bar with a friend. It’s a good day for having lunch out and I needed a break from my home-made juicing kick. Screw the kale today.
Sushi Chef Jimmy greeted me with a big smile. “Where have you been?” he said beaming. “We missed you!”
“I miss you too. I know. I’m soooo sorry.” I quickly replied. I ordered my Chirashi Sushi and the waitress says “it’s a good day for miso soup!”
Indeed. It’s a good day for that.
After lunch I felt like a macaron.
My friend had never been to one of my favourite macaron spots Butter Avenue and I promised her a treat.
It’s a good day for a treat.
On our way we noticed the window display of the sweetest little garden bunnies at The Colourfield florist. We stopped and admired them and the flowers. We did the “OMG, tooooo cute!” girlfriend chatter and then continued on to the patisserie.
We were chatting away about our boys, hockey, school, plans for March Break, and about the next theatre show I’ll be seeing, Dancing with Rage with Mary Walsh…
….then this cute little bunny showed up at our table.
It’s been a very good day!
And it took my breathe away.
Awwww so cute! I love good days!