This is an interesting thought.
Let’s see….I how would describe myself…
I am short.
My nose is flat and wide, kinda like Winston Churchill.
My lips are big.
I have no eye lashes. Well not much anyway.
My eyes are dark, almond shape and small.
If I’m not smiling I look mad.
Actually I think I look like my mom when I have no expression.
I’ve got a round face and fat cheeks.
I get a wrinkly forehead when I’m concentrating or thinking.
I have long dark hair.
I think I’m average looking… when I’m smiling.
There. I said it.
But why?
Dove’s latest ‘Real Beauty’ Sketches campaign is out to change the way women think about themselves. With the assistance of real life FBI trained forensic sketch artist, Gil Zamora, they’ve conducted a social experiment that is now going viral.
Without meeting or viewing a candidate, he asked each participant to describe themselves. The person had no idea what he was doing or why. He would sketch the person based on their description.
Then, a second sketching was done based on a witness description while he/she was sitting in the waiting area with the first person.
The final result. One image with how you perceive yourself. Another image of how a stranger sees you.
Watch here…
Dove invited Urbanmoms to join in on the discussion during a webinar yesterday to chat with Gil and one of the participants.
The group discussed how a lot of women don’t think highly of themselves. We’re often too afraid to feel good about ourselves. Afraid of being judged. And, if we do, then are we bragging or conceded? Why? Can’t we all just high five each other and say “hey, you are awesome!” Or better yet, say it to ourselves. So, many questions were raised in this discussion. How can we be positive role models for our daughters and sons when we aren’t confident ourselves?
I realize this Dove Campaign is an ad.Yes.
Dove has a bottom line. Sure.
But having worked at the ad agency that founded the way DOVE promotes positive imaging in women, it’s worked hard in projecting women of all colour, shapes, sizes and age. It is moving in the direction that all women keep demanding for and wanting. I think they’ve done a great job in breaking out of the stereotypical ads in this industry and creating discussion.
So, is this about looks? Or is it about self-esteem and having confidence?
Do you think we’re our own worst critics?
Seriously…that made me cry. Just seeing the women’s reactions to their two portraits…wow. Something else.
I personally love the Dove real beauty campaigns they’ve run over the years. I’m aware of the Unilever controversy (just go watch Axe ads…same parent company) but honestly at least there is ONE company out there showing all women and encouraging them to see themselves as beautiful instead of seeing themselves as forever not living up to the Hollywood standard.
Thanks for sharing.