After posting the other day about that desk-thing we created for our kitchen, I received a couple of inquiries about the cabinet parts…
On the right, we stashed all the electronics – the stereo components, and the printer, along with cameras and cords and stuff.
We had to cut a larger hole in the back for ventilation (all that stuff tends to get tres warm) and another to allow the butt end of the printer cords hang out the back. It works well – you don’t see anything weird when you open the door, so it’s a total win for efficiency.
I mentioned the last time how I had to get rid of my stationary drawer, but what I have instead is even better. More practical, even. And I just LOVE it!!
Now that Madame is a wee bit older, and I don’t have to keep things like scissors completely out of her reach (though I still stash the markers up high for my sanity) everything the children require to make messes crafts with are here, sorted among some glass vases and things. One can see EVERYTHING, which has already eliminated the, “Mummy? Where’s the _____?” questions that plague me at every turn. Now they need only OPEN their EYES.
Sidenote – Naturally, whenever they’re looking for anything at all, it’s nearly always where it ALWAYS resides, staring right at them, but for some reason, they cannot see. They must ask me to come and find it for them. Whatever they’re looking for was there all along, but they just couldn’t be bothered to search properly. True story: Once I asked my mother where the kitchen scissors were… In the drawer where they always are, she answered… I proclaimed that I could NOT find them anywhere, and inferred that she must be either lying or crazy. (I do not recommend sassing my mother.) She said, If I come and look through that drawer and find them? Consider yourself grounded for a week. And what do you know? The scissors suddenly showed themselves. How’s THAT for amazing!
Where was I? Right! Sassy children. Anyway, they can get everything they want by themselves now, which suits me just fine.
Scissors. Glue sticks. Scrap paper. Bone folder. Kraft gift tags. Highlighters. Stamp pad with animals shapes. Stickers. Fancy pencil crayons from Italy. (Two kinds!) Letter opener for poking your sister’s eyes out with. Mini stapler. Audrey Hepburn smiling at me.
But the best? My collection of tissue paper and the wavy striped tape dispenser. Dollar stores sometimes have the most excellent array of gloriously cheap and cheerful peppiness! All this colourful stuff makes me want to wrap presents every day…
This makes a Grumbler like me happy.
The search continues for suitable stools for this piece of furniture… I will post when we find the right thing!
Oh my stars, the frustration…
And oh my goodness… allergic to wine? That’s terrible!! Here…* slides bottle* Have some bourbon instead. (Just kidding!!)
I find it isn’t just the little people, but sometimes the men that can’t find things. I have now lived in this location for almost a year. My father (when they visit) no failing asks to know where the wine opener is EVERY TIME!! My response is the same, exactly where it was the last time you were here & you put it away (I unfortunately am allergic to wine – seriously – you can stop laughing now!! so it never gets moved from where he last put it away). My other half is the same too!! He is literally looking RIGHT AT IT & doesn’t see it! GAAA!
Isn’t it amazing how BLIND they are sometimes?! Sheesh.
Bring me your wares – I will wrap the crap out of them, Julie… heh.
feel free to wrap me a pretty present anytime! 🙂
i hear your call….where is it? in front of you! a daily occurrence and not just from the little people in the house!