Oliver is home today – not feeling well, he said. He rarely complains, so home we shall than remain.
Since I can’t really get out to do much, I’m taking the opportunity to tidy up some drawers – emptying them of the too-small items (which seems to be just about everything!) and pulling out the warmer stuff, figuring out what is still in good repair, and getting rid of the rest.
Purging the house of stuff is among my favourite things ever. *swoons*
Yesterday, I asked Martin to please hang some ledges we bought from Ikea several months ago… sometimes getting around to things is just tricky. There are always projects on the go, but I do believe I can finally scratch this one off the list!
In our long and narrow house, you get a glimpse into many of the rooms, almost at once. I like the views to look tidy and interesting. Here’s the view from the top of the stairs:
I decided to put those Camilla d’Errico images I framed a while back on the shelves – I wanted to hang them at Madame’s lower bunk bed level, but at nearly-four, she’s still a bit rambunctious, and I fear she’d break the glass fronts trying to do cartwheels in her bed or whatever, and hack herself to pieces by mistake. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for something on canvas instead.
It’s an artful mish-mash of found stuff from around the house, like books with wicked graphics, and cool-but-seldom-played-with stuffies, and some excellent original artwork by Edmonton-located artist (and one of my dearest friends) Alayne Spafford – she made the three pieces on wood block, and I’ve always hung them in this room someplace, even back when it was our office, one hundred years ago. And later when it was Oliver’s nursery. I had put them away when we painted last year, and found them again this morning. Joy!!
I want to keep it kind of funky and interesting, playing with colour and height – we opted not to space the shelves equally from each other, so the middle section could accept a really large piece, if we want. We’ll see.
So far, I’m loving it. And Oliver is loving it too! Ava Scarlett likes everything… which is good for her, since anyway, it’s MY house. (Heh.)
Got house projects on the go? I want to know what they are…
Idas, your comments always knock me out – for realz. Thank you so much, kind woman!! xox (And you can ask the artist directly through email, I’m sure, about where her stuff can be found. I think she might be showing in Toronto right now, actually!)
Holy shizzle, I NEED a piece of this artist’s work: Alayne Spafford . *heart’s singing*
Does one have to go to Edmonton?
Ah May Zing!
Dammy Tracey, you never cease pop up EVER superawesome. Yikes.
Sigh. Sigh again.
STILL! I feel so lucky even if I can only see you on my screen…*puts hand to screen now* sigh again..
Oh yes, Twin – The Grappers of Frip book has always been wonderful in our house… and the artwork totally rocks too. I love it. As much as the foo-foo rabbit on Oliver’s bed you sent when he turned 1. He still sleeps with it. Thanks for sending all The Excellent Stuff!! (You’re a rockstar too, you know. Heh.)
oh tracey that looks fantabulous!!!!! i love it all, especially the antlers at the top!! oh and hey!!! is that that gappers of frip book i gave you (or oliver?) a million years ago? that looks great. you rock rockstar 🙂
I would LOVE that job, yo. And I would do up your house anytime you say… free of charge, of course. (I mean, really, woman! Pfft.)
Wow! Thanks, mum!! Hee…
I know, Anny – those block prints are my favourites.
I’m so excited about the little girl room! (How can she be OLD enough for that? Oy.) I just know you’ll make it beautiful… and I think we have the same Nautica cover… or maybe mine was from Club Monaco? All that smart shopping we did… the stuff is still good, see? Love it! Love you… xox
Can you please just be an interior designer…please? and then do my house but not charge me?
Now, Nate is gonna love you! It’s beautiful!
I love it! I especially like that the little block prints are hanging. Really nice 🙂
I have a few projects on the go but the one I am delighting in right now is turning Abbey’s nursery into a big girl room. We’re getting her the Hemnes daybed in white (from Ikea, naturally) and having fun finding just right sheets, and duvets, and pillows. I picked up great white flannel sheets with lavender and pink polka dots from HomeSense yesterday, and a most delightful shabby chic quilt with lavender, pink and touches of red, mint and blue to keep it from being too sweet. I just don’t know if I want a duvet/cover in addition. I still have a great nautica cover in a stone coloured brushed khaki, but it’s a full and might not work well at all with her twin daybed (but maybe if I tuck in the far end…) Or perhaps I’ll pick up a nice sateen white one…
Such a fun project! My inner girly girl wants to trade rooms with her, but I don’t think Stephen would go for it. Boohoo!
Yay! I can’t say enough good things about Ikea product… I wanna see pics when you’re done!
Oh I WISH!! I’d love to come and meet you and your wonderful family… and I can help you whip your place into shape (virtually) whenever you like, woman!! (You’re awesome just as you are, Almonda.)
Heh. Who said the sheets were clean?! 😉
gonna get my girl a closet! we, too, live in a long’n’narrow and my youngest doesn’t have a closet. dh built a great shelving unit in there when we were using it as an office and she uses that but her girly girl dresses have no where to hang! road trip to ikea!
Oh, I love it! You’ve got such a great eye! Can you please, please, please fly out to BC and work your magic at my place? I need all the help I can get.
Nice. I’m doing well if the sheets are clean…