Anyone who opens a closet door to a wall of disarray, with items slipping off mismatched hangers into growing piles on the floor can tell you how utterly defeating and exhausting it all just looks, much less how crazy it can feel to start wading through it all, just in an effort to get dressed for the day. And at the end of said day, there’s no inspiration to put things back in such a way that makes sense… because what you have now is another job to do. (And didn’t you just get home from a job?)
Sometimes you just need to GET RID OF WHAT ISN’T WORKING and get busy being famous instead.
This feels very un-glamourous indeed. And who wants to feel like that? It’s better to feel like a rock star instead. And one of way to get there is by investing in custom closet, like the gorgeous California Closets from Jen’s new reno featured below. But rather than just re-house everything onto bigger, shinier shelves, the first steps have to be sorting and purging. Start by taking items out, and sorting like with like. You can see what kind of duplicates you have, what might need repairing or cleaning, and you generally get the sense of everything you own. Do the colours and styles still work for you? Do they still fit as they should? If not, then now is the time to put things into your give-away/donate/trash piles, and think of your end-result closet instead. Like that coke-addled percussionist wrecking everything from the 4 PM sound check, sometimes you just need to GET RID OF WHAT ISN’T WORKING and get busy being famous instead.
Here are five ways you can feel more like a rock star, which is much, much better than feeling like yourself:
1. The design can be created just as you want it to be, maximized for space and effectiveness, with all the bells and whistles you could possibly want. Customize your space for long ball gowns, or for short, sequined skirts and jackets. From leather boots to leopard loafers, from camisoles to cashmere, every single item you own can be stored in an attractive way… even if everything comes from the Gap and you’re mostly rocking jeans and cardigans like it’s nineteen-ninety-Nirvana. It’ll LOOK gorgeous. And rock stars are gorgeous. Everybody knows that.
2. When you can see everything you have and you know where everything is, you can get your outfit together faster. This will save you oodles of time by actually finding the things you need, because they’ll be right in front of your face at all times. If it ain’t there, it’s in the laundry, or at the cleaners. Or, you don’t actually own it, and instead, you’re just having mistakenly dillusional thoughts about Gwen Stefani’s closet again. (Ahem.) You can ditch all that matronly garb (especially if you own duplicates) and go get some leather pants instead. You can stash them in the “leather pants” section of your well-appointed closet.
3. You can put things back exactly where they belong, which lessens the desire to let things pile up on that chair in the corner of your bedroom. (Or on the floor.) Because all you need to do is put the thing back on the hanger inside your customized closet, and you’re done. BOOM. Closet’s all beautiful again. And a beautiful closet = a beautiful life. I’m pretty sure that’s a mathematical fact. And I’m pretty sure rock stars have that whole thing down to a science. I mean, they have all that spare time for… rocking out… or whatever.

Custom closets to suit your specific needs can be a huge help in keeping your stuff and your life in order.
4. If you do beset a bit of a pile, (on the chair, floor, next to the bed, or wherever – we all do) it’s both easy to rectify, and profoundly satisfying, and won’t feel less like a massive chore that will take all damned day. Just hang up your stuff or put it in the laundry basket. Easy-peasy. And that nagging feeling you get from time to time about cleaning up your messy life closet will be forever gone, since it’ll only ever take about 5 minutes at a time to get on top of things, and you’ll feel like a rock star for the rest of the day, with all the time in the world to spare, and possibly contemplate taking those guitar lessons. And maybe even get your hair did.
5. You’ll have more energy. Coming home to piles of clutter is exhausting and just plain stressful in and of itself. Even when you’re decided to “live” with things as they are, it takes a certain amount of energy just to keep blocking it out. It’s true – just ask any hoarder. By taking a few minutes to put your things back in your custom-built closet, you’ll have easy, rounded shoulders and smile of a happy non-hoarder with all the things she loves tucked neatly into aptly sized drawers behind slam-resistant doors. You won’t know what to do with all your new-found energy. You might actually have to start a band.
You see? It’s all rather easy. Just maintain your madness by getting your closets correct. (And also, just say no to drugs.) You can be the rock star you always wanted to be, but were afraid to try. And also, you should probably get on those guitar lessons.
This post was sponsored by California Closets Toronto. Visit California Closets for more information on custom closets for your home. The opinions and closets featured in this post are our own.
Well, I do have a NAME for a band, even if I’m lacking in instruments and talent, at least.
Also a relatively decently organized closet that I’ve been purging with greater and deeper cuts each year, though I still have miles to go to reach your standards. I have one metal Hello Kitty drum that sits on a stool at the end of my bed that I put things in if they aren’t going right into the closet, and when it gets piled to high, it’s time to deal with it. It is currently mountainous. Ahem. Next week, I have a day, so I’m avoiding until then. Hey, I try, but I’m not perfect.
Oh dude, I hear you. I step out of my clothes each night on my side of the bed, and since it’s furthest from the doorway (read: not in plain view) the accumulation is… well, let’s just say I can be tres rogue about putting my things away for DAYS. But when I do? Back to the hanger you belong on, all colour coded and lovely (read: almost everything is black) and the laundry basket is my best friend. I’m not perfect either. (Except for when I AM.)
Band? Let’s get that started, lady. I have no name, and no talent, but I have GUITAR STANCE and no drug addictions… let’s get all famous together. STAT. 😉
This sounds like we need Wii Rock Band. No talent needed. No drugs, either, though some alcohol does help.
*slides bottle down the bar* Whip out your air-guitar, Alice!!