I crashed heavily into my neighbour’s couch Saturday evening, after a day-long Halloween-themed birthday party for her daughter, after which a lazy family-style dinner ensued… it was about 10 PM. We were all exhausted from the day, AND from another party we were all at the evening before. (Not to mention all the epic pumpkin carving I’ve been up to my elbows in…) T-I-R-E-D, yo.
The children were all somewhere watching a movie, and the grown-ups chatted in the living room over some wine. From where I sat, I had a view through a doorway, with a Halloween decoration in particular, staring at me. It was distracting because it was so creepy.
I felt rude because my eyes kept darting away from the person speaking, and I finally said, “Sorry… it’s that weird doll or whatever that you have over there… where did you get it? And how did you hang it there so perfectly?”
No one had any idea what I was talking about.
I said, “Come and sit right here, and look that way…” Through the doorway, one would have seen this:
The ghost of a screaming bride, or something. Eeeeeerie!!
It was just some of that fake cobweb stuff over the hanging light fixture, and I think there was a dried rose or a leaf or something that got tangled into it, which made the face. But WOW was it ever weird!
Frankly, I was relieved to “understand” what the thing was in the end. Otherwise, it would have totally haunted my dreams from now until the end of time. I don’t enjoy being freaked out. No, not at all.
Do you like the spooky? Or are you a ‘fraidy cat like me?!
Oh, I’m a total fraidy cat. Once upon a time, I could watch horror movies at 1am and then sleep like a teenager. Now? Now I see a shadow of a shadow of “something” down the hall almost-around-the-corner and sleep with the lights on for a few days. Sigh.
I didn’t even want to get up to go to the bathroom ALL BY MYSELF after that… I waited until I got home. Gah, I’m such a child!
I”m a total wimp. The fact that I’ve decked my porch in webbing and spiders is pure testament to maternal love.