The countdown is on to the holiest of Hallmark holidays! Ahhh Valentine’s Day. Will will be hard at work tonight writing out all his cards…all 30+ of them. My guess is he’ll give up at 3 and I’ll write the rest left handed to fake his ‘signature’.
It has me thinking of all things Valentine. My friend Jeff says I’m the least romantic person that he’s ever met. I totally disagree. I’m just not a ‘soul mate and fairy tale’ kind of girl. Maybe I’m a realistic romantic. Let’s go with that.
Maybe my past Valentine’s Day surprises have just turned me off the whole notion of romantic gifts. Here are my top three questionable VD gifts from the past and you tell me….
a. toe nail clippers in a Cartier jewellery box
b. pillows
c. I once got two jars of chocolate. One had 51 kisses and one had 50. I assumed it had something to do with Van Halen (cue the non-romantic). You know 5150? Why Can’t This Be Love? Go Sammy Hagar! Well apparently, I miscounted and it was 102 chocolates. You Garden State fans may get the reference to an awesome song on the soundtrack. Ooops.
I’ll tell you what an AWESOME gift this Valentine’s Day would be…and you can pass it on to your significant other. How about a ticket to Love Her? It’s a fundraising event for Ovarian Cancer Canada that I have the honour to be working on.
Fashion, Food, Firemen. Jessica Holmes hosting. Yes. I said firemen. Tickets are $200 and you can get them here! Join us on February 28th. Inside scoop? The silent auction is INCREDIBLE! And there are firemen.
What’s the LEAST romantic Valentine’s Day gift you’ve ever got?
We don’t do gifts either. On Valentines day he’ll toss me a chocolate bar and say “I hope that’s duly noted” with a wink.
Actually. He does that every night…
(He does bring me home one beautiful green rose every St. Paddy’s day – which I love)
wow, clippers. that’s something else! don’t know if i’ve ever got a “least romantic” gift…fella’s been pretty good 🙂
i missed my yearly firemen fix this year. we usually run a bonspiel for princess margaret and invite the calendar firefighters but it fell through this year. let me know if you need a date 🙂
have fun at your event!
I guess “nothing” would be the least romantic gift but I asked for it so I don’t think it really counts. I am not a Valentine’s Day kinda gal. I use it as an excuse to plan a dinner out but that’s about it.
Hee! I’m unromantic in the “soulmate & fairytale” kinds of way, too. I can’t really think of the lest romantic gift I’ve ever received, unless you count that time my friend made out with the guy I loved at the Valentine’s dance as a “gift”. *cue sad trombone* But I’m not bitter about it. (Much.)