When I turned 31 I got hit by a case of adult-onset acne that left me feeling defeated, homely and in pain.
As a teen, I had fairly normal acne, with a few breakouts before my menstrual cycle would begin, but nothing like what I had been dealing with over the past year. Every morning I would wake up with 1-3 deep, cystic, painful pimples that would hit my bathroom mirror with their internal pressure when I popped them. Gross, I know. But it was my reality. I started having to use heavier make-up and concealer to hide the breakouts which created a vicious circle of even worse breakouts. It was so frustrating. I tried cutting out sugar, wheat and dairy, I tried ProActive, I tried the Clinique line of acne facial treatments and I tried an organic spa line as well. I was literally dropping hundreds of dollars on creams and scrubs that weren’t helping; if anything my skin was retaliating and getting worse.
I finally went to see my doctor and after one look at me she prescribed Accutane. I have been on it for 4 months now and am finally seeing some improvements in my skin. It’s a harsh, powerful and somewhat scary drug (I know people have LOTS of opinions on it) but I am being closely monitored on it am feeling fine on it. I have another 1-2 months to finish this course and then will hopefully be acne-free. It’s been a long road, and I am feeling hopeful about finally being rid of the painful breakouts that have thus far plagued by 30s.
Anyone else out there get surprised by the changes in her skin as she ages? I was expecting wrinkles, but not zits AND wrinkles.
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