I am going to be 32 this summer and so far, the rumors are true: the 30s are way better than the 20s.
So many of those Big Life Decisions (Who will I marry? How many kids will we have? Where is my career going?) are made and now we just get to live them out, more secure and confident in who we are, all with the floundering days of youth behind us.
The one problem is this, though: my pants don’t fit anymore.
I haven’t changed my eating habits, and I am still exercising regularly, but things are getting very soft and full and squishy in my mid-section and rear-end. It makes that above-mentioned security and confidence waver a little (kind of like my cellulite in the wind).
I am wondering if this is just part of how our womanly bodies are wired? To soften a bit with each decade? Or if I just need to amp up the exercise and add a few more workouts to the mix to maintain a healthy weight?
Did anyone else out there notice a shift in metabolism or their body’s natural “set point” as they made their way through a new decade of life?
i guess i’m pretty lucky as i hit the ground running 🙂 however i’m starting to see things not snap back into place as quickly as before and i’m starting to be aware of what i’m eating and my activity. i think it’s a totally normal body change and that we’re fighting a losing battle but it doesn’t mean we need to be upset about it.
i think that, biologically, once we’re done with the business of babies our “purpose” is over and that’s why we become softer. however that doesn’t mean we have to give up, noooosiiireeeeee! 🙂
Yup! I am 36 and actually eat better and exercise harder than ever and still struggle with the “soft” but with “amping” things up so to speak I’m finally winning a little!